Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dinar-Dirham Islam

Pengenalan Awal (ringkas)
Anam M. Alhabsyi
Dinar adalah mata uang emas yang mulai digunakan sejak jaman Nabi Adam, kemudian Nabi Idris (dengan nama Wariq), dan tetap digunakan pada masa Romawi dengan nama Denarius. Dirham adalah mata uang perak, digunakan sejak jaman Nabi Idris (dengan nama Raqim) dan digunakan jaman Nabi Yusuf (yang sempat dijual sebagai budak dengan bayaran Dirham) dan digunakan Romawi dengan nama Drachma dan Persia dengan nama Drahm. Islam dari pelbagai dinasti termasuk Umawi, Abbasi, Fatimiya, termasuk Majapahit juga menggunakan. Lihat sejarahnya di http://islamhariini.wordpress.com/2011/03/09/dokumen-sejarah-dan-penerapan-dinar-dirham-di-nusantara/

The ratio gold and silver it is the number of Kilogrammes of silver which one can buy with one kilogramme of gold. 
Rasio emas dan perak adalah harga kilogram perak yang bisa digunakan untuk membeli harga satu kilogram emas.

This ratio has varied greatly through history :
  • 90 was the ratio of silver to gold when the price of an ounce of silver was at a low in 1991. With one kilogram of gold one could buy 90 kilograms of silver. Rasio tertinggi antara emas dan perak terjadi tahun 1991 di mana 1 kilogram emas setara dengan 90 kilogram perak.
  • 51 was the average ratio of the price of gold to silver in 2007. Sedangkan di tahun 2007 rasio 1 kg emas adalah 51 kg perak.
  • 17 Was the gold / silver ratio at the time of the record gold and silver prices in 1980. Pada tahun 1980, rasio 1 kg emas setara dengan 17 kg perak.
  • 15 Was the official ratio of gold to silver during the great period of Bi metallism, 15 ½ for France (1803), 15.68 for the USA (1800), 14,29 for England (1806). Ini adalah rasio resmi masa keemasan Bimetalisme; di mana 1 kg emas setara dengan 15½ kg perak (di Perancis 1803), 15.68 kg perak (di Amrik 1800), dan 14.29 kg perak (di Inggris 1806).
  • 12 Was the gold/silver ratio in Antiquity in Rome. Di masa jaman Antik Romawi, rasio 1 kg emas = 12 kg perak.
  • 12.5 Was the ratio in Greece at the time of the death of  Alexander the Great in 323 BC. Pada masa Yunani ketika wafatnya Alexander 323 SM rasio 1 kg emas adalah 12.5 kg perak.
  • 10 Was the ratio in Islamic world until the end of Andalusid period and silver undervalued when colonialism started. 1 kg emas = 10 kg perak pada masa keemasan Islam sampai hancurnya peradaban Islam menjelang munculnya kolonialisme.
The ratio of production and reserves of gold and silver :
  • 13 Is the ratio of world production from 1493 to 1931. For this 400 year period 13 times more silver than gold was produced. Rasio produksi dari 1493 - 1931, perak diproduksi 13 x lebih banyak daripada emas.
  • 8 Was the ratio of silver to gold production in the world in 2006. What is being said is that eight times more silver than gold was produced in 2006. Sedangkan di tahun 2006, perak diproduksi 8x lebih banyak daripada emas.
  • 7.64 It the ratio of all production of gold and silver during one century (1900-2003). Secara rerata perak diproduksi 7.64x dibanding emas selama tahun 1900-2003.
  • In the 103 year period, there was 7.64 times more silver than gold produced in the world. Jadi selama 103 tahun, perak diproduksi 7.64x lebih banyak daripada emas.
  • 6.4 Was the ratio of the ground reserves of silver to gold in 2000. Dan perak disimpan 6.4 x lebih banyak daripada emas di tahun 2000.

- It is astonishing to see that we produce 8 times more silver than gold, that the reserves are 6 times larger, but that the price of the silver is 50 times lower. (Menarik bahwa secara rerata kita memproduksi perak 8x daripada emas, dan menyimpan 6x perak daripada emas, tetapi harga perak 50x lebih rendah daripada emas.)
- Over the period of the history one kilo of gold was exchanged between 10 and 90 kilograms of silver, today it is exchanged at 51. Dalam sejarah manusia, 1 kg emas setara antara 10 kg sampai 90 kg perak.
- During the raw materials bear market, silver suffered much more than gold. Silver has already caught up with part of the lag in its price, but there still is a way to go. Secara umum, sejak dari bahan tambang perak dan emas ditemukan, perak dihargai terlalu rendah.
  • The price of an ounce of silver will continue to increase more quickly than that of gold. For example, if the gold price rises 100%, the price of silver can increase between 100 and 600% depending on the evolution of the ratio. Harga 1 ounce perak akan naik dengan cepat dibanding emas. Apabila harga emas naik 2x lipat, maka harga perak akan naik 2x sampai 7x lipat.
  • With gold at 2000 dollars, the price of an ounce of silver may be between 40 and 100 dollars. As more time passes it is more probable that the ratio will go lower, be patient. Dengan emas 1 ounce senilai 2,000 dolar, saat ini harga perak 1 ounce antara 40 - 100 dolar. Tapi dalam waktu singkat, perak akan mengejar ketertinggalan harga, sabar saja

Anam M. Alhabsyi
Islamic Mint Nusantara is a sikkah who pioneering the first sovereign mint in Nusantara which is minting the first dinar-dirham ever here, establish in year 2000. Islamic Mint Nusantara also know as IMN become sovereign mint in 2008, simultaneously IMN starting to spreading the knowledge, the amal and the foundation of dinar-dirham movement for muslim in Nusantara, which you can see the result today. Alhamdulillah

We are welcome to all muslim jamaah in Nusantara such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Phillipines, Thailand, Burma for developing your own coins , which is starting from concept, design development, the calculation, dies development, metalurgi, profile detail development up until the production of the coins. Please contact us at: info@dinarfirst.org or call +6281808872081

The Muslim in Nusantara and everywhere are welcome to all muslims to donating their wealth to help IMN – sovereign mint. All of the donation will be recorded and publish at WAKAF SUPPORT FOR IMN (you can check the detail how to do it at this link). If you have further question please email at support@dinarfirst.org or info@dinarfirst.org.

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