Friday, September 30, 2011


Malaysian State & National Holidays 2012
Dates Occasion For
1 January
Sunday New Year All states except Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis & Trengganu
14 January
Saturday Yang di-Pertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan’s Birthday Negeri Sembilan only
15 January
Sunday Sultan of Kedah’s Birthday Kedah only
23 January
Monday Chinese New Year Nationwide
24 January
Tuesday Chinese New Year (2nd Day) All states except Kelantan n Trengganu
1 February
Wednesday Federal Territory Day FT of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan & Putrajaya only
5 February
Sunday Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday (Maulidur Rasul) Nationwide
7 February
Tuesday Thaipusam Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Perak, Penang & Selangor only
4 March
Sunday Anniversary of Installation of Sultan of Trengganu Trengganu only
30 March
Friday Sultan of Kelantan’s Birthday Kelantan only
6 April
Friday Good Friday Sabah & Sarawak only
15 April
Sunday Declaration of Malacca as a Historical City Malacca only
19 April
Thursday Sultan of Perak’s Birthday Perak only
1 May
Tuesday Labour Day Nationwide
Monday Hari Hol Pahang Pahang only
17 May
Thursday Wesak Day Nationwide
17 May
Thursday Raja Perlis’ Birthday Perlis only
30- 31 May
Wed & Thu Harvest Festival Pesta Kaamatan Sabah Sabah & Labuan only
1 – 2 June
Fri & Sat Sarawak Harvest Festival Hari Gawai Sarawak Sarawak only
2 June
Saturday Malaysian King’s Birthday Harijadi Agong Nationwide
17 June
Sunday Israk & Mikraj Kedah, Negeri Sembilan & Perlis only
7 July
Saturday Georgetown Heritage Day Penang – but not a ‘paid holiday’ for private sectors employees.
7 July
Saturday Penang Governor’s Birthday Penang only
20 July
Friday Sultan of Trengganu’s Birthday Trengganu only
21 July
Saturday Awal Ramadan Start of Muslim fasting month (bulan Puasa) Johor, Kedah & Malacca only
6 August
Monday Nuzul Al-Quran Kelantan, Pahang, Perak, Perlis, Penang, Selangor & Trengganu only
19 – 20 Aug
Sun & Mon Hari Raya Puasa * Nationwide
31 August
Friday National Independence Day Merdeka Nationwide
9 September
Sunday Sarawak Governor’s Birthday Sarawak Only
16 September
Sunday Malaysia Day & Sabah Governor’s Birthday Nationwide Sabah
14 October
Saturday Malacca Governor’s Birthday Malacca only
24 October
Wednesday Sultan of Pahang’s Birthday Pahang only
26 October
Friday Hari Raya Haji * Hari Raya Qurban Nationwide
27 October
Saturday Hari Raya Haji (2nd Day) * Hari Raya Qurban Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis & Trengganu Only
11 November
Sunday Deepavali or Diwali Nationwide, except for Sarawak
15 November
Thursday Awal Muharram (Maal Hijrah) Nationwide
22 November
Thursday Sultan of Johor’s Birthday Johor only
11 December
Tuesday Sultan of Selangor’s Birthday Selangor only
25 December
Tuesday Christmas Nationwide


Kumpulan A: Negeri Kedah, Kelantan dan Terengganu

Cuti Pertengahan Penggal 1 : 09.03.2012 – 17.03.2012 (9 Hari)

Cuti Pertengahan Tahun : 25.05.2012 – 09.6.2012 (16 Hari)

Cuti Pertengahan Penggal 2 : 17.8.2012 – 25.8.2012 (9 hari)

Cuti Akhir Tahun : 09.11.2012 – 31.12.2012 (53 Hari)

Kumpulan B : Negeri Perlis, Pulau Pinang, Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Johor, Pahang, Sabah, Sarawak, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Labuan dan Putrajaya

Cuti Pertengahan Penggal 1 : 10.03.2012 – 18.03.2012 (9 Hari)

Cuti Pertengahan Tahun : 26.05.2012 – 10.6.2012 (16 Hari)

Cuti Pertengahan Penggal 2 : 18.8.2012 – 26.8.2012 (9 hari)

Cuti Akhir Tahun : 10.11.2012 – 01.01.2013 (53 Hari)

KISAH BENAR !! TEGAR seorang Ibu dan Ayah , pemergian intan dan jantung di dunia

zan Kushairy shared Md Zahki Md Hussein's photo.
Mak pandang jenazah abang yang terbaring kaku. Walaupun muka sembap, perut membusung, namun mak nampak ketenangan pada wajah abang.

Mak ambil pisau. Mak potong baju-T yang tersarung pada tubuh abang, baju terkahir yang abang pakai, Mak terpaksa potong kerana kerana baju itu tidak muat untuk melalui perut abang yang 'buncit'.

Tapi, mak akan simpan baju itu. Mak tak cuci, sesekali boleh mak cium baju itu, sekadar pengubat rindu di hati. Kemudian abah kendong tubuh abang ke pangkin yang telah disediakan. Lalu abah dan mak mendikan jenazah abang. Hanya kami berdua. Mak tak mahu orang lain. Biar tangan abah dan mak yang menjiruskanair buat kali terakhir pada tubuh kecil abang.

Mak nampak anak mata abah, berkaca-kaca, setitis dua air matanya tumpah, mengalir di pipi, tapi cepat-cepat abah sapu dengan lengan sasanya.

"Bang, jangan menangis. Kita selesaikan hingga ke titisan terkahir," begitulah kata mak pada abah.

Setelah abang dimandikan, mak bantu abah kapankan jenazah abang. Pun hanya kami berdua juga. biar tangan kami saja yang memakai dan membalutkan kain terakhir pada tubuh abang.

"Kakak, jangan menangis. tak baik buat abang macam tu!"

Itu pesan mak semasa kakak-kakak mahu mengucup dahi abang buat kali terakhir. Abah pula selepas mengucup dahi abang, cepat-cepat abah menjauh memalingkan muka.

Mak nampak air mata abah berjuntaian membasahi pipi. Dan buat kali terakhir itu juga, mak usap dahi abang. Mak senyum, lantas kucup dahi abang.

Mak bisikkan: "Abang tunggu mak di syurga ya!"

Akhirnya, wajah abang 'ditutup'. Kami sembahyangkan abang buat kali terakhir. Ramai betul jemaah yang turut serta. Setelah itu, kami bawa abang ke tanah perkuburan.

Abah masuk ke dalam liang lahad untuk menyambut jenazah abang. Alhamdulillah, semua kerja dipermudahkan. Abang sudah selamat di sana.

Bertubi-tubi mak terima ucapan takziah daripada tetamu yang datang. Abang nak tahu, ada satu soalan yang mereka tanyakan pada mak.

Soalan itu asyik terngiang-ngiang di telinga mak. Tanya mereka: "Kakak uruskan jenazah anak kandung sendiri, tapi setitis air mata tak jatuh ke pipi? Kenapa kakak tidak menangis?" Itulah soalan mereka.

Mereka hairan kenapa mak tidak menangis, sebaliknya bibir mak tidak lekang dengan senyuman. Kenapa mak masih mampu tersenyum di saat memangku sekujur tubuh yang pernah berada dalam rahim mak dulu? Empat tahun dua bulan mak membesarkan Abang. Mak selak helaian demi helaian paparan kertas dalam diari yang sedikit usang itu. Aduh! Banyak sungguh memori yang tercatat di dalamnya. Membacanya bagaikan meruntun jiwa mak kembali mengenangkan perjalanan derita Abang sejak lahir hingga menghembuskan nafas terakhir. Mata mak terpaku pada catatan peristiwa lebih kurang tiga bulan sebelum Abang pergi. Mak rasa, di sinilah terkandung jawapan yang mak cari-cari. Jawapan untuk soalan yang mereka tanya kenapa mak tidak menangis?

Mak akan bacakan sedikit rentetan diari ini supaya mereka tahu kenapa mak tidak menangis, sayang.

Januari 2011- Perut Abang semakin membusung kerana hati membengkak. kata doktor, semua organ dalaman Abang sudah rosak, sudah 'reput'. Tidak boleh diselamatkan lagi. Tidak mengapa. Hati mak berkata, cukuplah! Tidak akan ada lagi pembedahan untuk Abang.

26 Februari 2011- Hari ini ulang tahun ke-4 abang. Dua hari sebelum itu, mak tanya, abang nak kek apa? Abang jawab, nak kek lori sampah! Hah Hah.. Tergelak mak. Abang suka sangat melihat lori sampah yang lalu setiap pagi depan rumah. Sebab itu abang nak kek bentuk lori sampah, Puas mak dan abah melilau sekitar Kuala Lumpur , tetapi tak jumpa kek macam tu. Tak ada yang sanggup buat kek macam yang Abang minta. Mak kecewa! Selama ini, mak tunaikan apa saja permintaan Abang, tapi kali ini mak gagal. Mak belikan kek coklat strawberi sebagai pengganti. Dengan perut membusung, dada berombak kerana sukar bernafas, Abang masih tersenyum dan nampak ceria melayan rakan-rakan yang datang, sama-sama menyanyikan lagu hari jadi abang. Dan ketika itu, hati mak sudah terdetik, mungkin ini hari jadi abang yang terakhir.

7 Mac 2011- Keadaan abang semakin kritikal. Perut abang semakin membesar. Abang tidak mampu untuk bergerak dan lebih banyak terbaring serta asyik sesak nafas. Mak semakin tidak tahan melihatkan keadaan Abang sebegini rupa. Mak bawa Abang ke IJN, rumah 'kedua' abang sepanjang tempoh hayat Abang. Kata doktor, tiada apa yang boleh dilakukan lagi. Abang hanya menanti waktu. mak angguk perlahan-lahan. Mak redha dengan ketentuan ilahi. Dalam hati mak juga terdetik, masa Abang sudah tidak lama lagi. Para ibu di wad tersebut asyik bertanya pada mak, macam mana dengan keadaan Abang? Mak cuma mampu untuk jawab, "InsyaAllah, Abang akan sihat!" Mak terpaksa cakap begitu pada mereka, sebab mak tidak mahu mereka semua lemah semangat jika mereka tahu Abang sudah tiada harapan lagi. Mereka pun sedang bertarung dengan ujian Allah apabila anak-anak yang dikasihi ditimpa penyakit. jadi biarlah jawapan yang mak beri itu kedengaran manis pada telinga mereka. Pahitnya, biarlah mak sendiri yang telan.

13 Mac 2011- Hari ini merupakan hari Ahad. Mak pinta kebenaran doktor untuk bawa Abang pulang kerumah . Doktor izinkan. Biarlah Abang habiskan waktu-waktu terakhir bersama keluarga. Dan disaat-saat akhir ini, mak mahu tunaikan apa saja permintaan Abang. Di rumah, setiap hari mak akan tanya, "Abang nak apa harini?"

Mak masih ingat pada suatu pagi, abang menjawab, "Mak, Abang nak naik kereta bomba!"

Mak termenung dengar permintaan Abang. Bila abah pulang ke rumah, terus mak ajak abah keluar. Abah tanya pergi mana?

Mak jawab, "Balai bomba!"

Sampai di situ, mak meminta izin daripada pegawai bomba. Mak kata padanya, Abang teringin sangat nak merasa naik ke dalam trak bomba. Pegawai itu cuma garu-garu kepala, kemudiannya menggeleng-gelengkan kepala. Belum sempat pegawai bomba itu menjawab, lantas mak tarik baju Abang ke paras dada.

Separuh berbisik, mak beritahu pegawai itu, "Encik, ini anak bongsu saya dan hanya menanti masa untuk 'pergi'! Benarkan saya tunaikan impian terakhirnya ini!" Bila lihat perut Abang yang buncit dan dada dipenuhi kesan parut dan jahitan, pegawai itu tidak tunggu lama. Terus dicapainya kunci, dibuka pintu salah satu trak bomba itu. Lantas dia terus dukung Abang dan letakkan Abang ke atas tempat duduk bahagian pemandu. Abang nampak gembira sangat biarpun cuma 15 minit abang di dalam trak itu. Tetapi Abang tidak perasan, ketika itu mak palingkan muka selama lima saat. Sekadar mahu mengelap titisan air mata yang mula bertakung.

Hari lain, mak tanya lagi pada abang, "Abang nak apa?"

Abang pun jawab: "Abang nak naik lori sampah!" Mak dukung Abang, tunggu depan rumah. Bila lori sampah lalu pagi itu menjalankan rutinnya mengutip sampah, Mak tahan lori itu.

"Encik, anak saya teringin naik lori ni. Boleh izinkan sebentar?" Pekerja itu tertawa mendengar kata-kata mak. Kemudian, mak angkat baju Abang dan beritahu perkara sama. Terus berubah mimik wajah mereka. Segera mereka angkat Abang, letakkan di tempat duduk pemandu. Ada antara pekerja itu yang memalingkan muka, tak sangup untuk melihat Abang lama-lama. Sedih agaknya. Begitulah seterusnya. Setiap hari, mak akan tanya pertanyaan yang sama. Kalau Abang nak tengok gajah, mak akan bawa Abang pergi zoo. Walaupun abang tak larat jalan, tak apa.

Mak dan abah tidak kisah, kami silih berganti dukung Abang. Abang pinta nak tengok burung, mak bawa Abang ke taman burung. Abang nak main permainan robot, mak bawa ke kompleks beli-belah yang ada permainan seperti itu. Ke mana saja Abang nak pergi dan apa sahaja yang Abang inginkan, semuanya mak tunaikan! Setiap hari juga mak tanya Abang nak makan apa. Macam-macam Abang teringin nak makan. Murtabak, nasi paprik, milo ais, cendol, air tebu, air bandung , rojak dan macam-macam lagi, semuanya mak tunaikan walaupun makanan itu Abang pinta pada pukul 3.00 pagi.

Mak tahu dan faham, masa Abang bersama mak dan abah semakin suntuk!

27 Mac 2011- Abang semakin kritikal! Abang sudah tidak mampu untuk berkata-kata, apatah lagi untuk bergerak seperti biasa. Mata Abang kuyu dan Abang hanya mampu terbaring sambil memeluk Aina, anak patung kesayangan Abang. Mak segera pinta abah bawa Abang ke hospital.

"Kali ini kita bawa abang ke IJN, tapi kita mungkin akan keluar dengan tubuh abang yang sudah tidak bernafas!" Itulah kata-kata mak pada abah sebelum bertolak ke IJN. Mak mahu abah bersedia dan redha jika apa-apa berlaku. Sampai di IJN, abang terus ditempatkan di wad khas untuk pesakit kritikal.

5 April 2011- Mak telefon sekolah asrama Kakak sulung di Seremban. Mak minta pelepasan daripada cikgu untuk benarkan Kakak pulang.

"Adik tenat. Saya mahu kakak-kakaknya berada di sampingnya pada saat terakhir!" Mak pinta pada cikgu dan Kakak diizinkan pulang. Kemudian, Dr. Adura, doktor yang sinonim merawat abang juga datang melawat. Ketika itu mak ceritakan yang mak terkilan sangat tidak dapat tunaikan permintaan Abang yang mahukan kek berbentuk lori sampah.

7 April 2011- Pagi ini Dr. Adura datang melawat Abang lagi. Kemudian Dr. Adura beritahu ada surprise untuk Abang tengah hari ini. Rupa-rupanya, tengah hari itu tetamu yang juga rakan-rakan alam maya Dr. Adura datang membawa kek lori sampah yang Abang mahukan sebelum ini. Ada dua kek mereka bawa. Mak tak sangka, Dr Adura rajin menulis mengenai kisah abang didalam blognya dan ramai yang menawarkan diri untuk menyediakan kek yang abang pinta. Para tetamu bersama jururawat dan doktor menyanyikan lagu selamat ulang tahun untuk Abang. Tetapi abang kurang ceria, wajah Abang tampak letih dan nafas abang turun naik.

8 April 2011- Tengah hari ini, masih ada lagi tetamu datang membawa kek berbentuk lori warna pink untuk abang. Tetapi abang sangat lemah. Abang sekadar terbaring merenung kek itu. Malam itu, semasa jururawat mengambil tekanan darah Abang, bacaanya meningkat naik. Tetapi hati mak dapat merasakan yang Abang sekadar mahu meredakan keresahan hati mak. Malam itu, hanya mak berdua dengan Abang berada di dalam bilik. Mak pandang sayu wajah abang yang semakin lesu dan pucat. Mak duduk di sebelah Abang, mak peluk dan usap rambut Abang. Mak menangis teresak-esak bagai anak kecil.

Dalam tangis itu, mak katakan pada Abang, "Mak tahu Abang nak senangkan hati mak. Abang tak perlu buat macam tu. Mak tahu Abang nak pergi. Jangan tahan-tahan Abang. Pergilah menghadap Ilahi. Mak sudah sedia. Mak redha segalanya. Mak puas dapat sempurnakan apa sahaja hajat yang Abang pinta. Mak juga bangga kerana Allah hadirkan Abang dalam hidup mak walaupun seketika."

Abang hanya diam, memandang mak dengan pandangan lesu. Dan ketika itu mak menangis sepuas-puasnya. Mak juga berjanji bahwa mak tidak akan menangis lagi selepas itu! Ya, mak tidak akan menangis lagi biarpun abang sudah tiada lagi di dunia.

9 April 2011- Pagi itu mak pesan pada abah agar bawa semua anak-anak datang ke hospital. Masa Abang dah dekat sangat. Mak lihat Abang sudah kritikal. Wajah Abang sudah tampak biru, lebam! Dada Abang berombak, tercungap-cungap menarik nafas.

Abang sudah tidak mahu makan dan minum lagi sejak malam tadi. Pukul 8.00 pagi, abah dan kakak-kakak sampai. Mak suruh Kak Long bacakan Yaasin di sebelah Abang. Mak suruh abah baca juga, tapi bacaan abah tersekat-sekat kerana cuba menahan tangisnya.

Pukul 3.00 petang, Abang semakin lesu. Lantas mak ajak Abang keluar berjalan-jalan.

"Abang, abang nak tengok matahari tak? Jom kita turun kantin minum sambil tengok matahari!"

Abang hanya mengangguk lemah. Mak dukung Abang dan kita satu keluarga turun ke kantin. Abang mahu minum air coklat. Tapi Abang hanya minum seteguk. Kemudian, Abang lentukkan kepala pada bahu mak.

"Abang, tu tengok kat luar tu? nampak tak sinar matahari tu? Cantikkan?" Mak tunjuk pada abang sinar matahari yang kelihatan di celah-celah rintik hujan yang turun waktu itu. Abang angkat kepala melihat ke arah matahari itu. kemudian, abang menguap.

"Abang ngantuk!" Itu kata Abang dan kemudian abang terlentuk semula pada bahu mak. Tiba-tiba jantung mak berdegup kencang. "Bang, jom naik. Abang nak 'tidur'! Mak terus ajak abah dan kakak-kakak naik semula ke wad walaupun mereka belum sempat jamah makanan di atas meja.

Sampai sahaja di wad, mak terus baringkan Abang di atas katil.

Dan Abang terus merintih dalam nada yang lemah, "Makkk..sakit perut..!"

Suara Abang amat perlahan dan amat sayu bunyinya. Lantas mak letak tapak tangan mak atas dahi Abang.

"Abang, hari ini, waktu ini, mak redhakan Abang pergi. Mak halalkan segala makan minum Abang. Mak halalkan air susu mak untuk Abang. Pergilah Abang. Mak izinkan Abang pergi!" Mak ucapkan kata-kata itu sambil merenung jauh ke dalam mata Abang yang semakin kuyu. Saat Abang sedang nazak itu, mak panggil kakak-kakak agar mengucup Abang selagi Abang masih bernafas. Mereka kucup pipi Abang bertalu-talu dan mula meraung dan menangis.

"Kakak! kalau kamu semua nak menangis, keluar dari bilik ini. Mak tak mahu Abang dengar kamu menangis! Jangan seksa Abang dengan tangisan kamu semua!" Mak marah mereka. Mak tidak mahu Abang lihat kami menangisi pemergian Abang. Mak tahu, Abang akan jadi lebih sedih dan berat hati untuk pergi bila melihat kami menangis di saat akhir sakaratulmaut menjemput Abang. Mak tidak mahu tambahkan lagi kesedihan Abang untuk meninggalkan kami. Abah pula hanya berdiri di penjuru bilik, meraup wajah menahan suara tangisannya. Jururawat yang ada dalam bilik juga menangis, mak suruh jururawat keluar dan tutup tirai bilik itu. Mak tak mahu orang luar lihat. Mak tak mahu ada orang menangis di saat Abang akan pergi. Setitis dua mengalir juga air mata mak. Tapi mak masih mampu tersenyum.

"Pergilah Abang. Mak izinkan. Mak izinkan.. pergilah.."

Dan perlahan-lahan mata abang yang layu tertutup rapat, genggaman tangan Abang pada jari mak semakin lemah dan akhirnya terlepas...

Pukul 3.50 petang, akhirnya Abang meninggalkan dunia fana ini. Innalillahiwainnailahirajiun.

Mak kucup dahi Abang. Mak bisikkan di telinga Abang, "Tenanglah Abang di sana . Suatu hari nanti, mak juga pasti akan turuti jejak Abang. Abang... tunggu mak di sana ya! Di syurga!"

Abang, sekarang mak sudah dapat jawapanya. Mengapa mak tidak menangis? Pertama, Abang telah di takdirkan menjadi ahli syurga yang akan membantu mak di sana nanti. Kedua, apa saja keinginan Abang semasa hayat abang telah mak tunaikan. Tiada lagi rasa terkilan di hati mak. Ketiga, segala hutang sebagai seorang ibu telah mak langsaikan semasa hayat Abang. Mak telah sunatkan dan buat akikah untuk Abang. Keempat, mak telah menjalankan tanggungjawab sepenuhnya, sentiasa berada di sisi Abang dan menggembirakan Abang setiap saat dan waktu. Kelima, mak rasa istimewa dipilih Allah untuk mendapat anak seperti Abang. Mak jadi 'kaya' dengan kehadiran Abang. Kaya kesabaran, kaya tawadhuk, kaya keredhaan , kaya keimanan, kaya kawan, kaya ilmu, dan kaya pengetahuan. Mak telah beri segalan-galanya melebihi seratus peratus untuk Abang. Mak telah beri yang terbaik dan mak telah berusaha hingga ke garisan penamat. Sebab itu mak tidak perlu menangis lagi.

Abang.. biarpun kini hidup mak dan abah terasa sunyi dan kosong tanpa Abang tapi... mak akan sentiasa tersenyum mengenangkan saat-saat terindah kehadiran Abang dalam hidup kami biarpun cuma sebentar. Abang dalam kisah ini adalah adik Iqbal Fahreen Hamdan, anak bongsu daripada lima beradik. Abang masuk hospital seawal usia dua minggu akibat menghidapi lima jenis kompilasi jantung termasuklah kekurangan injap, jantung berlubang dan saluran sempit. Abang telah menjalani pelbagai siri pembedahan seawal usia dua bulan dan ada antara pembedahannya yang gagal, malah abang pernah disahkan 'mati' apabila jantungnya berhenti berdenyut. Walaupun pada awalnya doktor mengjangkakan hayat abang tidak lama selepas lahir ke dunia, namun ternyata anak kecil ini mampu bertahan sehingga usia empat tahun untuk meninggalkan kenangan terindah dalam hidup Jamilah (ibu) dan Hamdan (bapa).

Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarham adik Iqbal Fahreen.

Sebuah kisah benar menyayat hati yang melambangkan kasih sayang seorang ibu kepada anaknya.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Foreigners show their passion for ‘assam laksa’

Sunday September 18, 2011

Foreigners show their passion for ‘assam laksa’

GEORGE TOWN: Assam laksa, which recently earned a seventh spot among the world’s 50 most delicious food in a CNN International Survey, is a must-have for two foreigners.
Briton Vivien Clark and New Zealander Susan Leigh MacKenzie were so enamoured with the local dish they were even willing to learn the tedious process of cooking it.
They were among 12 foreign guests who attended a cooking class on the famous dish organised by a hotel here.
The guests were given an hour-long lesson on how to prepare the dish by Holiday Inn Resort’s executive chef William Thong.

Special lesson: Chef Thong teaching some foreign guests to prepare the ‘assam laksa’ dish at the Holiday Inn Resort in Penang.
“It is a beautiful dish with different flavours coming from one bowl.
“The sweetness of the pineapple blends well with the sourness of the soup,” said MacKenzie, who is on a two-week vacation on the island.

Clark, also on a two-week vacation here, added that another plus point of the dish was that “there were not many chillies”.

For Australians Richard and Kathy Linley, George Watkins and Tan Xuemei, the assam laksa in Penang is different from the ones they tasted in Australia.

“The laksa here is lighter and has more fresh spices compared with the creamier ones we had in Australia,” said Kathy, who prefers the Penang version.

Hotel marketing communication executive Ivy Tan said the Penang assam laksa lesson was held in line with the Malaysia Day.

“This is a special way to celebrate Malaysia Day, to introduce and teach foreigners how to cook a much-loved local delicacy,” said Tan.

Homestay attractions: Operators urged to offer Raya theme

Sunday September 18, 2011
Homestay attractions: Operators urged to offer Raya theme

GEORGE TOWN: Homestay operators in Malaysia have been urged to offer more Hari Raya Aidilfitri-themed packages during Syawal to lure foreign tourists here.

Deputy Tourism Minister Datuk Dr James Dawos Mamit said such packages would see foreign tourists wanting to experience the celebration.
He said operators have to be creative in incorporating the Hari Raya theme in their respective packages by promoting traditional food and games.

“The ministry is always supportive of the operators' efforts to diversify tourism products offered in order to boost the industry,” he said before opening the Mai Beraya Homestay 1Malaysia 2011 programme at the National Park Square (Dataran Taman Negara) in Teluk Bahang.
The programme, which started last year, is in conjunction with the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration last month.

Organised by the state Tourism Ministry Office and the Penang Homestay Operators Association, the programme is aimed at promoting elements of Hari Raya, such as food and culture as tourism products.
Dawos also said that between January and July there were more than 120,000 tourists who took part in the homestay programme compared to 92,000 last year.

He said that as of this year, more than 100 villages in the country were involved in the homestay programme and nine were in Penang.

Association president Rohaizat Othman said homestay operators would be able to lure more tourists if they focused on their specialities such as offering kampung-style environment for the tourists.
“In fact, we are planning to introduce kampung stays in the future which will offer tourists a chance to stay in kampung houses and experience the lifestyles of the locals,” he said.
Guests to the event were treated to a scrumptious Hari Raya food spread such as ketupat, rendang and satay and were also entertained to dance performances.

Very Good Advice from PM, Faced the reality , show more effort no rhetoric !!

Memo Editor
‘Syok sendiri’ punca BN tewas

SHAH ALAM - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (gambar) menegur sikap pemimpin dan ahli Barisan Nasional (BN) yang masih menjalankan program ‘syok sendiri’ dan memberi laporan tidak tepat kepadanya semata-mata mahu menjaga hati tanpa bersandar kepada realiti.
Pengerusi Barisan Nasional (BN) itu berkata, ahli parti sepatutnya sedar bahawa tindakan seperti itulah yang menyebabkan BN kehilangan Selangor pada Pilihan Raya Umum 2008.

“Jangan buat program syok sendiri sahaja. Bila buat program Juara Rakyat, tulis dalam laporan bahawa ia telah berjaya apabila dihadiri oleh 300 dalam sesuatu kawasan.

“Tapi siapa 300 orang itu? Saya sudah 35 tahun dalam politik, saya dah tahu (taktik). Saya tahu apa yang anda semua buat dan anda pun tahu apa yang saya tahu.

“Saya tak pakai laporan macam ini. Himpunkan 300 orang lepas itu kata kita dah berjaya. Tak mungkin...itu menipu diri sendiri,” katanya ketika merasmikan Konvensyen BN Selangor di Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah di sini, semalam.

Turut hadir Timbalan Pengerusi BN Selangor, Datuk Seri Noh Omar serta pemimpin parti komponen lain termasuk Datuk Seri G Palanivel, Datuk M Kayveas dan Kohilan Pillay.
Beliau yang juga Pengerusi BN Selangor berkata, adalah sesuatu yang berbaloi sekiranya sesuatu program itu dihadiri oleh kelompok sasaran tertentu khususnya yang tidak menyokong BN sebelum ini.

“Kalau kita kumpulkan itu bukan ketua cawangan dan penyokong tegar BN, kumpulan 300 itu adalah yang dulunya tentang kita, ia memang berbaloi buat perhimpunan,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, bacaan politik di Selangor juga perlu tepat sekiranya ingin memastikan kemenangan BN di negeri itu terutamanya membabitkan laporan penilaian yang dihantar kepadanya.

“Dulu kita rasa, kita cukup kuat, Kita rasa kita boleh menang. Kalau laporan betul, kita tidak kalah di Selangor. Itu mind set kita, tiada siapa yang fikir kita boleh kalah tetapi kita kalah,” katanya.

Beliau turut mengingatkan pemimpin parti komponen BN supaya tidak hanya menjaga kepentingan kelompok masing-masing sahaja.
Katanya, BN mungkin tidak akan berjaya memimpin negara sekiranya hanya berdiri di atas satu kaum sahaja.

“Pemimpin BN yang tulen dan berhimpun atas semangat dan prinsip BN. Kalau ada orang yang susah, kita tak tanya dia kaum mana dan warna kulit apa.

“Siapa yang susah dan wajar dibantu. Pemimpin BN perlu terpa ke hadapan untuk bantu golongan yang susah,” katanya.

Najib mahu agar semua pemimpin BN meneruskan khidmat mereka kepada masyarakat secara berterusan dan tidak hanya menunggu ketika pilihan raya sahaja.
Beliau juga mahu pemimpin supaya tidak hanya memikirkan kedudukan dalam parti sehingga abaikan tanggungjawab untuk beri khidmat terbaik kepada rakyat.

“Saya tak mahu ada mentaliti tak ada dalam pilihan raya kita dalam kelompok masing-masing.

“Jangan dalam kepala kita, kita masih dalam mentaliti zaman kita masih kuat,” katanya.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Herbs Bussiness

PM announces repeal of ISA, three Emergency proclamations

KUALA LUMPUR: Several draconian laws including the ISA and the three Emergency proclamations are to be repealed under major civil liberty reforms announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on Thursday.
The historic changes, he stressed, were to accommodate and realise a mature, modern and functioning democracy; to preserve public order; enhance civil liberty and maintain racial harmony.
The changes, which represent the biggest shake-up of the Malaysian system since independence from Britain in 1957, were announced by the Prime Minister in a prime-time television address on the eve of celebrations marking the anniversary of the foundation of modern Malaysia.
The reforms include:
*Total repeal of the Internal Security Act
The legislation, introduced in 1960 in the wake of an armed insurgency by Communist rebels, gives the police wide-ranging powers to detain suspects indefinitely.
It will be replaced by a new law that incorporates far more judicial oversight and limits the powers of the police to detain suspect for preventive reasons.
37 people are currently being held under the ISA. There will be a six-month transition period while the new laws are introduced, after which their cases will be considered under the new legislation.
*Total repeal of the Emergency Ordinance
Introduced following race riots in 1969, the Emergency Ordinance, which allows suspects to be detained without charge for up to two years if permission is granted by a Minister.
This too will be replaced by a law that will not compromise on national security and terrorism while increasing democratic accountability and judicial oversight.
*Removal of annual renewal of press and publication permits
All licences will now remain valid indefinitely unless they are revoked, in common with broadcasting regulations in many Western nations.
*Government to review Section 27 of the Police Act 1967
The Malaysian constitution guarantees the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. The law requires police permission before gatherings can go ahead, including on private land such as stadiums. This law will now be reviewed to bring Malaysia in line with international standards while ensuring that the police retain the power to prevent violent scenes on the nation's streets.
A host of other laws, including those governing banishment and residence, will also be abolished or reviewed. Any law found to be no longer relevant or justifiable will be repealed.

Full text of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's speech.
My beloved Malaysians,
1.Praise be to God, with His permission and kindness, we are able to observe the 48th anniversary of the formation of Malaysia as an independent, sovereign, democratic, peaceful and prosperous nation.
2. The story of Malaysia is colourful indeed. We have evolved from a low-income agricultural country at birth into a moderately high-income modern industrialised nation today, as a result of systematic planning and sustainable implementation. Although our success has been monumental and most significant, it does not give us any reason to stop trying, feel satisfied and comfortable or take it easy.
3. For the continued survival and prosperity of the people in the highly competitive world of today, let us redouble our efforts to improve the national competitiveness through creativity and innovation and by stretching our resources in creating new wealth based on independent entrepreneurship. It may not be able to realise all these objectives without national unity, peace, stability and harmony.
My beloved Malaysians,
4. Reflecting on history, when the country achieved independence 54 years ago and became Malaysia six years thence with Sabah and Sarawak, many local people and foreign observers questioned whether a new nation, with half the population living below the poverty line, having a demographic diversity of unusual complexity, separated by the South China Sea and threatened with a communist uprising, could remain intact as a nation state, let alone be successful.
5. Evidently, Malaysia's achievements thus far, garnered through trial and error, were destined to be full of challenges. Looking at history, like a miracle in the early age of a newly independent nation, the challenges became all the more acute with the early adoption of a system and philosophy of national administration based on parliamentary democracy, constitutional monarchy and a federation when the acculturation process had yet to mature.
6. Prior to independence, the people of the 13 states which came together to form Malaysia never had the opportunity to choose a ruling government or even the pattern of its administration. Their existence was merely as citizens of colonial states accorded limited political privileges at the discretion of the administrators. Certainly, this is not a genuine political right arising from the citizenship of an independent and sovereign state.
7. Before independence, the people were given limited opportunity to choose their representatives, first in the municipal elections of 1952 and then in the election of some members of the federal legislative council in 1955. It was only after 1959, following independence, that the people began to be given the full right and responsibility to elect all members of the Dewan Rakyat and state legislative assemblies with the absolute discretion in determining the party that would form the government.
My beloved Malaysians,
8. Of course, we should be thankful because, from time to time, we were able to overcome every internal and external impediment which threatened democracy and personal freedom, such as the communist uprising, confrontation against the formation of Malaysia, racial riots, economic recession, religious extremism or racial chauvinism through prudent, democratic action based on the principles of supremacy of the constitution and rule of law.
9. It should also be remembered that during that period it never at all occurred to the government to switch the existing system of parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy to any anti-democratic system, no matter how tough the challenges faced. As recorded in the chronology of the country, owing to the May 13 tragedy, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, acting on the advice of the Prime Minister then in accordance with Article 150 of the Federal Constitution, declared an emergency.
10. One of the effects arising from the declaration of the 1969 emergency was that the uncompleted election process in Sabah and Sarawak was suspended. The subsequent development was that the Dewan Rakyat elections were carried out within a period of approximately 20 months later and the system of Parliamentary Democracy was revived when the country was stable again.
11. Nevertheless, the late Tun Abdul Razak, as the Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister then, who was entrusted to head the National Operations Council or MAGERAN, with absolute executive and legislative powers, never had the intention to retain the power longer than necessary.
12. It was abundantly clear that the late Tun together with his colleagues then were fully aware that the limitless extraordinary powers that they held could not be made a habitude for the sake of our beloved country's future. Instead, they appreciated that the absolute power was merely a trust to curb and prevent any tragedy and chaos.
My beloved Malaysians,
13. In fact, as a country that practices parliamentary democracy, the power to determine which political party would form the government, whether at the federal or state level, lies absolutely and without exception in the hands of the people. After more than 50 years of independence and almost five decades of Malaysia's formation, we find that the experience, maturity and wisdom of the people in the country in choosing a government that could ensure that the future they aspired for could not be denied by anyone else.
14. In fact, I have often pointed out that the era where the government knew everything and owned a monopoly on wisdom has long gone. The revolution in the fields of information technology, development in communication and sophistication in transportation had opened up competition as well as a wide and dynamic comparison in the ideas market.
15. Currently, public access to all levels of education is expanding in line with the corpus of knowledge that they possess. At the same time, sustainable economic growth, the reduction in the poverty rate and the social engineering initiatives and their effectiveness, have succeeded in raising the standard of living and created a significant middle class. Now, the preference and requirements of Malaysians have undergone massive changes compared to four or five decades ago.
16. Moving further ahead, administering a nation that emerged from the independence driven by the wishes of the people, the government is now committed towards upholding the system of Parliamentary Democracy, Constitutional Monarchy, rule of law, the federation philosophy and principles of checks and balances between the three branches of the government.
My beloved Malaysians,
17. As many of you know, except for the emergency resulting from the (Indonesian) Confrontation of 1964 which has been implicitly revoked, all proclamations of emergency before this are still in force. Hence, realising the changing realities, taking the pulse of the nation and feeling the restlessness of the people aspiring for a more open Malaysia with a dynamic democracy where the views, ideas and concerns of the masses are given greater attention so that our system would be comparable to the other democracies of the world that are based on the philosophy "of the people, by the people, and for the people", the government will present a motion, under Clause 3 Article 150 of the Federal Constitution, to the two houses of Parliament for the three proclamations of emergency to cease being in force. It is time for Malaysia to forge ahead with a new paradigm based on new hope and not be constrained by nostalgia for the past.
18. In our nation building, while facing extraordinary circumstances threatening the security of the country and the well-being of the people, sometimes measures outside the norms of democracy had been called for. For example, preventive detention. Prudence in handling terrorism calls for preventive measures to protect innocent lives and property. This is a universally accepted truth.
19. From an Islamic perspective, this (preventive principle) is contained in the Syariah law aimed at protecting religion, lives, minds, ancestry and dignity, and property. The discipline of Syariah methodology deals at length with the need to prevent evil. One principle states that the ruler was entrusted to make a decision for the good of the many.
20. This is not anything strange, unusual or isolated. Advanced democratic nations like the United States and United Kingdom had formulated special legislation to handle terrorism after the September 11 tragedy.
21. The checks and balances that must exist in a modern democracy are between national security and personal freedom. Finding the right balance is the duty and responsibility of a government whose highest objective is the wellbeing of the people.
22. For example, the freedom of expression guaranteed in the Federal Constitution does not mean a right to slander and stoke the fires of hate. The government is also responsible, to take another example, of preventing anyone in a packed stadium raising a false alarm of a bomb. An out-of-control freedom like this will cause panic leading to injury and loss of lives. My beloved Malaysians,
23. I promised in the maiden speech I made when I took over as the country's Prime Minister on April 3, 2009, that the Internal Security Act (ISA) 1960 will be reviewed comprehensively. As such, I would like to announce on this historic night that the Internal Security Act (ISA) 1960 will be abolished.
24. As a means of preventing subversive activities, organised terrorism and crime to maintain peace and public order, two new pieces of legislation will be formulated under Article 149 of the Federal Constitution. Basically, these laws will be aimed at maintaining peace and wellbeing.
25. Above all, the government will ensure that the rights of those involved will be safeguarded. Legislation formulated will take into consideration fundamental rights and freedom based on the Federal Constitution. The new laws will provide for a substantially shorter duration of police custody and further detention can only be made with a court order, except laws pertaining to terrorism which will remain under the jurisdiction of the minister.
26. On the other hand, the government also gives its commitment that no individual will be arrested merely on the point of political ideology. In general, the power to extend the detention period will shift from the executive to judiciary, except for the laws pertaining to terrorism.
27. In this context, besides abolishing the Internal Security Act (ISA) 1960, the government will also abolish the Banishment Act 1959 and review several other laws to ensure that they meet current requirements. Hence, we will not hesitate to amend or abolish laws that are no longer relevant.
28. The comprehensive review will involve the Restricted Residence Act 1933 and the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 where the annual renewal principle will be abolished and replaced with the issuance of a licence until and unless revoked. The government will also review Section 27 of the Police Act 1967 by taking into consideration the provision under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution on freedom of assembly, but with a principle that is strongly against street demonstration. Nevertheless, the approval to assemble will be given in accordance with methods that will be outlined later and after taking into consideration international norms.
My beloved Malaysians,
29. As a country, Malaysia and its citizens are at a crossroads. The choice we make today will determine the fate and the future facade of Malaysia, the motherland which we will pass on to our children and the generations to come. The question is, can we rise beyond, and challenge, conventional wisdom that we as plural Malaysians, with varying economic status and political ideologies, can come to a consensus to not to bow and give in to the ember of hatred and suspicions, which will surely drag us to the valley of disgrace. On the other hand, come and let us power a future that is filled with hope and dignity.
30. Let us have faith, that it is a strength and not a weakness to put our trust in the wisdoms of Malaysians in determining our future. If we take this as a mistake, what then is the meaning of our achievement today, what is the use of planning the country's development in a structured way since merdeka, what is the use of spending most of the country's resources each year to give access to quality education to the people, to free the people from the clasp of poverty, to build physical infrastructure and world-class information communication technology?
31. The answer is clear, that is, the measures which I have just announced are a precursor to an orderly and prudent political transformation. This is an important and necessary complement to the initiatives in the economic field and public delivery which the government has formulated and implemented since more than two years back in the effort to move towards becoming a modern and progressive nation.
32. What is certain is that time is not too early neither it is too late; this is the most opportune time for us to make and implement these major changes. We are absolutely aware that, although some my think it is risky, we are doing this for our survival after 50 years of independence, after nearly five decades of Malaysia's nationhood. We are indeed galloping forth towards our destination to become a full-fledged developed nation.
My beloved Malaysians,
33. Finally, I would like to stress in no uncertain term that Malaysia which we dream of and one that we are currently building, is Malaysia which practices functional and inclusive democracy, where peace and public order are safeguarded in line with the supremacy of the Constitution, the rule of law and respect for basic human rights and individual rights.
For Malaysia, let's do our best and leave the rest to God. Wabillahitaufik Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Thank you.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Do UK city need a Mayor to rule?

Why I Wrote to Eric Pickles Andrew Adonis
1 September 2011
New models of governance and public services

If we get the mayoral offer right, we can transform the way our cities are governed. Over the last year I have travelled around England’s greatest cities talking to more than sixty five business and voluntary sector leaders, local authority chief executives, journalists and councillors. The picture of city governance I have bought back is decidedly mixed; ranging from ambitious and strategic leadership to chaos and stagnation. Everywhere there was room for improvement. This week I sent a letter to Eric Pickles setting out why I support his plan to hold referenda on the introduction of directly elected mayors but proposing amendments that would significantly strengthen the Localism Bill that is currently before Parliament.

There are three main reasons why mayors would drive progress in our cities.
First, mayors offer greater visibility and accountability. A poll from the New Local Government Network published in 2004, just 18 months after the first wave of local authority mayors were elected, found that on average 57% of people could identify their mayor, compared to only 25% who could identify their leader. Piles of correspondence addressed directly to city mayors are testimony to the fact that the electorate in mayoral authorities know who they should go to when they have a grievance or concern.

Second, mayors can provide stronger city-wide leadership. Mayors are elected by voters across the city and receive many more votes than for the average council leader. This gives mayors the mandate they need to convene all those who can contribute to a city’s development – both within and outside the council. Nowhere is this more crucial than in relation to the growth. Institute for Government and Centre for Cities research has shown that England’s cities need to rise above ward-level interests (seen at its worst in destructive NIMBYism) to help Britain to recover from recession.

Third, mayors offer greater stability for local government. I was amazed to learn on my visit to Bristol that the city has now had seven leaders in the last ten years: no way to run the capital of the southwest.

Ultimately, it will be the electorate that decides whether to adopt the mayoral model but current drafting of the Localism Bill is not yet configured in a way that allows a fair choice for voters.

First, the Government is yet to fully outline what voters will be choosing between. Under the Localism Bill, the Secretary of State can delegate any number of powers to local mayors but this hardly provides certainty. At a minimum, the Localism Bill must state that all city mayors will be given planning powers comparable to those of the Mayor of London, as well as a clear (if not deciding) role in local transport, policing and economic development plans.In every city I went to, the consensus was that a ‘yes’ vote would be more likely if the mayors were given substantial additional powers so failing to prescribe the model more fully biases the vote in favour of those who oppose change.

Second, voters are naturally cautious about change. In my open letter to the Secretary of State, I propose holding the referenda in two waves, with Leeds, Bristol and Birmingham going first in 2012, and the remaining eight in 2013. This would have the advantage of allowing referenda to take place first in largest cities and those with the weakest governance. It is in these cities that the debate on mayors is already most advanced and where the example of London has made most impact. The debate in the other cities is at present less advanced and will benefit from the experience of the earlier referenda.

Third, the Localism Bill does not do enough to reassure voters that there will be appropriate checks and balances on mayoral power. Our visits to the cities where referenda will be held revealed concerns that mayoral government put too much power in the hands of one person.
My letter therefore also contains our recommendations on how to strengthen the overview and scrutiny process to ensure the mayor is robustly held to account for their decision by elected councillors. These changes may seem quite technical but they are immensely important.
The coalition government now has what may be a once in a generation opportunity to give real power to our cities.
The fact that the Minister for Decentralisation has now become Minister for Cities reflects neatly the importance of these reforms. If the government is to achieve its aim of ‘decentralising Britain’ then their policy on city government will largely determine whether they succeed, or fail.

This article originally appeared in Local Government Chronicle Read Andrew Adonis’ letter to communities minister Eric Pickles