Sunday, August 28, 2011

new Phrase : " PAYMENT BY RESULT" Shall the Government practice it..

Risky business

Adrian Brown

22 August 2011
The government is increasingly relying on the pricing and transfer of risk to improve public services but their track record on understanding risk is poor.
Today, the Social Market Foundation (SMF) published a damning report on the government’s flagship Work Programme. Last week, the Treasury Select Committee was similarly scathing about the use of Private Finance Initiative (PFI) contracts to pay for public infrastructure. The connection between the two is government’s apparent inability to successfully measure, price and share risk.
Not working
Government is increasingly interested in ‘risk sharing’ contracts. The Work Programme uses a special type of arrangement called payment-by-results (PbR) in which the risk of reducing the number of long-term unemployed is passed to companies like Serco and A4E. The Department for Work and Pensions pays out when someone who was previously ‘long-term’ unemployed finds a job.
The trick for DWP is to pass just enough risk across to the providers to incentivise innovation and improve outcomes. This depends on the price being paid for each outcome and whether any flat-rate fees are included regardless of outcome. If too little risk is passed to the provider, they won’t be motivated to improve performance and the commissioner risks overpaying for any success that is achieved; if too much risk is passed to the providers, they will demand a high price for success or risk being driven out of business.
The SMF argues that a version of the latter has happened in the Work Programme. The providers are on the hook for better outcomes than they are ever likely to achieve, implying the vast majority may be kicked out by DWP or even go bust. DWP meanwhile are expected to be left with a larger welfare bill than anticipated.
Given that a lot of very clever people spent a great deal of effort designing the Welfare Programme contracts, and this is a flagship PbR policy for the government, it goes to show just how tricky it is to assess and price the risks involved. In short, it looks like the balance between risk and reward has not been struck in the right place.
Private finance
The latest criticism of PFI adds a further twist. These are contracts in which the upfront cost of large public construction projects are covered by the private sector. In effect, private contractors borrow money to undertake the work and then charge the government back over a period of several decades. Because the private sector has higher borrowing costs than the government this extra cost gets built into the contract.
To believe that PFI represents value for money you have to believe that the extra efficiency gained from the private contractors being on the hook more than compensates for the additional borrowing costs. Sadly, this is not the case – at least according to the Treasury Select Committee.
This represents a mistaken transfer of risk away from government to private contractors less well positioned to hold it. The lesson here is that different risks are more appropriately held by different parties. The government shouldn’t simply be in the game of transferring risks to others at all costs – because those costs are likely to be high.
There’s a link back to PbR here as some argue PbR is just a new way for government to borrow money, off-balance sheet, and rather expensively. Do PbR proponents really recognise this hidden cost?
The Government looks increasingly tied to procurement processes that rely on government’s ability to successfully price and transfer risk. PFI has a long pedigree but just last month the Department for Education announced a new £2bn PFI for schools. Payment by results is the latest fashion for public service reform featuring not just in the Work Programme but many other areas of social policy. Both require a more solid understanding of risk than the government has demonstrated to date – and that feels pretty risky to me.

Social impact bonds launched by government to help poor

Social impact bonds launched by government to help poor

Deprivation (file pic) Ministers want to break the cycle of poverty and deprivation in families

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Private investors are being asked to fund a new government drive to help families blighted by crime and poverty.
Ministers want philanthropists, charities and other groups to put cash into "social impact bonds".
It is hoped a trial of the scheme in Westminster and Hammersmith and Fulham in London, as well as Birmingham and Leicestershire, could raise up to £40m.
It aims to help break the cycle of deprivation, without costing the taxpayer any more money.
The government has put the annual bill for assisting the UK's most deprived families at more than £4bn a year, representing an average of nearly £100,000 per family.
They are often affected by multiple issues, such as poor education and drug or alcohol addiction, and ministers are concerned the current focus on treating the problems of individuals creates a costly cycle of deprivation which they find almost impossible to break.
'New partnership' It is hoped the use of social impact bonds, where investors get paid a return for successful projects, can intensively tackle several problems in a family setting.


  • Philanthopists and social enterprises will be asked to provide advance funding to support schemes commissioned and delivered by public bodies, such as prisons and local councils
  • They would be remunerated by the taxpayer on the basis of the scheme's results, in line with targets agreed in advance
  • The "return on investment" - the amount repaid on top of the initial outlay - could range from 2% to 13% depending on how well the schemes perform
  • Benefactors will get nothing back if targets are missed
  • The first pilot was launched a year ago with four more planned by next Spring
Announcing the trial, expected to be up and running next year, Civil Society Minister Nick Hurd said it would focus on delivering concrete, measurable outcomes.
"We must not be afraid to do things differently to end the pointless cycle of crime and deprivation which wrecks communities and drains state services," he said.
"Social impact bonds could open serious resources to tackle social problems in new and innovative ways."
Mr Hurd went on: "We want to restore a stronger sense of responsibility across our society and to give people working on the front line the power and resource they need to do their jobs properly.
"Social impact bonds could be one of many Big Society innovations that will build the new partnerships between the state, communities, businesses and charities and focus resources where they are needed."
Sir Ronald Cohen, co-founder of Social Finance - a company which helped develop the bonds - said the scheme could "revolutionise" the way UK charities deal with social issues.
Civil Society Minister Nick Hurd: "It will be very rigorously focussed on hard outcomes"
Social impact bonds, based on the theory that early intervention can help stop more serious problems later on, are already being used to tackle reoffending in Peterborough Prison.
An initial evaluation of the scheme, published in May, found there was demand from the voluntary sector for the idea and it had helped to generate new sources of funding. But it also warned that the contractual relationships underpinning the scheme were "complex".
Citing the scheme as an example, Sir Ronald said not-for-profit organisations with expertise in the justice system would be funded through investments rather than grants.
"If they achieve a reduction of more than 7.5% in the rate of reoffending by these prisoners for a period of six to eight years, then the government pays the capital back," he said.
"Below that, the capital is lost, and above that the capital gets a yield of 2.5% to 13%."
'Questions to answer' For Labour, shadow Cabinet Office minister Tessa Jowell welcomed the thinking behind the initiative but said much more detail was needed on how it would work.

Case study: The cost of crime

In Birmingham, one of the trial areas announced by the government, an investigation uncovered two crime families in the city had cost taxpayers £37m over four decades.
Rival gangs the Burger Bar Boys and the Johnson Crew became notorious after the murders of teenagers Letisha Shakespeare and Charlene Ellis, in 2003.
Members indulged in petty street crime at first, but, as they moved into the city's growing drugs market, gang violence and gun crime flared up, causing misery for many families.
The Be Birmingham group put the cost of investigating a murder or attempted murder at £1.4m.
Since then, Birmingham City Council has been working to tackle the problem, and it hopes social impact bonds will help ensure the next generation is steered away from joining gangs at a young age.
"The devil is in the detail," she said.
"What criteria will be applied to financial backers? How will the government ensure they are serious about tackling these problems long term?
"What indicators will be used to judge the success of these projects and how will the government ensure the payments by results model does not just allow providers to cherry-pick members of the target group who are the easiest to help?"
Prime Minister David Cameron set a target to "turn around" up to 120,000 families with multiple problems by the end of the current parliament, a goal critics have warned could be hard to achieve.
Westminster Council said it welcomed the chance to speak to potential financiers about supporting its family intervention programme.
"The kind of outcomes they would be thinking about would be avoiding public care for children because what we know it is very expensive and we do not always have the best results," Natasha Bishop, the council's head of family recovery, said.
"They would also be looking at getting children who have been out of school back into school, pushing up attainment and children not becoming young offenders or reducing their offending."

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Pope Wanted Muslim Turkey Kept Out of Christian EU

December 16, 2010 by

(Wiki Leaks Cable)
Vatican diplomats also lobbied against Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez and wanted ‘Christian roots’ enshrined in EU constitution
By Heather Brooke and Andrew Brown
The pope is responsible for the Vatican’s growing hostility towards Turkey joining the EU, previously secret cables sent from the US embassy to the Holy See in Rome claim.
In 2004 Cardinal Ratzinger, the future pope, spoke out against letting a Muslim state join, although at the time the Vatican was formally neutral on the question.
The Vatican’s acting foreign minister, Monsignor Pietro Parolin, responded by telling US diplomats that Ratzinger’s comments were his own rather than the official Vatican position.
The cable released by WikiLeaks shows that Ratzinger was the leading voice behind the Holy See’s unsuccessful drive to secure a reference to Europe’s “Christian roots” in the EU constitution. The US diplomat noted that Ratzinger “clearly understands that allowing a Muslim country into the EU would further weaken his case for Europe’s Christian foundations”.
But by 2006 Parolin was working for Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, and his tone had distinctly chilled. “Neither the pope nor the Vatican have endorsed Turkey’s EU membership per se,” he told the American charge d’affaires, “rather, the Holy See has been consistently open to accession, emphasising only that Turkey needs to fulfil the EU’s Copenhagen criteria to take its place in Europe.”
But he did not expect the demands on religious freedom to be fulfilled: “One great fear is that Turkey could enter the EU without having made the necessary advances in religious freedom. [Parolin] insisted that EU members and the US continue to press the [Turkish government] on these issues He said that short of ‘open persecution’, it couldn’t get much worse for the Christian community in Turkey.”
The cables reveal the American government lobbying within Rome and Ankara for Turkish EU membership. “We hope a senior department official can visit the Holy See and encourage them to do more to push a positive message on Turkey and integration,” concluded the 2006 cable.
But by 2009, the American ambassador was briefing in advance of President Barack Obama’s visit, that “the Holy See’s position now is that as a non-EU member the Vatican has no role in promoting or vetoing Turkey’s membership. The Vatican might prefer to see Turkey develop a special relationship short of membership with the EU.”
Roman Catholicism is the only religion in the world with the status of a sovereign state, allowing the pope’s most senior clerics to sit at the top table with world leaders. The cables reveal the Vatican routinely wielding influence through diplomatic channels while sometimes denying it is doing so. The Vatican has diplomatic relations with 177 countries and has used its diplomatic status to lobby the US, United Nations and European Union in a concerted bid to impose its moral agenda through national and international parliaments.
The US charge d’affaires D Brent Hardt told Parolin, his diplomatic counterpart in Rome, of “the Holy See’s potential to influence Catholic countries to support a ban on human cloning” to which Parolin emphasised his agreement with the US position and promised to support fully UN efforts for such a ban.
On other global issues such as climate change, the Vatican sought to use its moral authority as leverage, while refusing itself to sign formal treaties, such as the Copenhagen accord, that require reporting commitments.
At a meeting in January this year Dr Paolo Conversi, the pope’s representative on climate change at the Vatican’s secretariat of state, told an American diplomat that the Vatican would “encourage other countries discreetly to associate themselves with the accord as opportunities arise”.
The Americans noted that Conversi’s offer to support the US, even if discreetly, was significant because the Vatican was often reluctant to appear to compromise its independence and moral authority by associating itself with particular lobbying efforts.
“Even more important than the Vatican’s lobbying assistance, however, is the influence the pope’s guidance can have on public opinion in countries with large Catholic majorities and beyond.”
The cables also reveal that the Vatican planned to use Poland as a trojan horse to spread Catholic family values through the structures of the European Union in Brussels.
The then US ambassador to the Holy See, Francis Rooney, briefed Washington in 2006, shortly after the election of Pope Benedict XVI, that “the Holy See hopes that Poland will hold the line at the EU on ‘life and family’ issues that arise” and would serve as a counterweight to western European secularism once the country had integrated into the EU.
The cable notes that Pope Benedict is preoccupied with Europe’s increasing psychological distance from its Christian roots.
“He has continued to focus on Poland’s potential in combating this trend. This was one of the themes of the visit of several groups of Polish bishops to the Vatican at the end of last year [2005]. ‘It’s a topic that always comes up,’ explained Monsignor Michael Banach, the Holy See minister of foreign affairs country director for Poland. He told us that the two sides recognised that the Polish bishops needed to exert leadership in the face of western European secularism.”
Across the Atlantic, the Vatican has told the Americans it wants to undermine the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez, in Latin America because of worries about the deterioration of Catholic power there. It fears Chávez is seriously damaging relations between the Catholic church and the state by identifying the church hierarchy as part of the privileged class.
Monsignor Angelo Accattino, in charge of Caribbean and Andean matters for the Vatican, said Obama should reach out to Cuba “in order to reduce the influence of Chávez and break up his cabal in Latin America”.In December last year, America’s adviser for western Europe at the UN, Robert Smolik, said the Vatican observer was “as always active and influential behind the scenes” and “lobbied actively and influentially in the corridors and in informal consultations, particularly on social issues”.
In 2001 another American diplomat to the Vatican stated: “The Holy See will continue to seek to play a role in the Middle East peace process while denying this intention.” (1792)
The Guardian

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Constantinopolis down by Mohamed 2 Al Fateh


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بِسْــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

SIAPA YANG MENGGUNAKAN PERKATAAN "SALAM"? apakah maksud disebaliknya??

Maka berpalinglah (hai Muhammad) dari mereka dan katakanlah:"Salam (selamat tinggal)".

Kelak mereka akan mengetahui (nasib mereka yangburuk). (QS. 43:89)


Ilmu utk dikongsi bersama. Sekadar peringatan untuk semua rakan-rakan muslim yang lain.

Pagi semalam saya dengar radio ikim (91.50 fm). Ustaz Zawawi ada cerita tentang sunnah Rasulallah s.a.w. Antara yang dibincangkannya ialah tentang bab cara memberi salam.

Menurut ustaz Zawawi Yusof, Baginda SAW memberi salam dengan lafaz“Assalamualaikum” dan menjawab salam dari para sahabat baginda dengan salam yang lengkap iaitu “Waalaikumussalam warahmatulallahhi wabarakatuh”

Ringkasnya, baginda SAW akan ;Beri salam dengan ucapan - “Assalamualaikum”

dan…Jawab salam - “Waalaikumussalam warahmatulallahi wabarakatuh”

Lagi satu, perlu diingatkan juga semasa menjawab salam,

saya dengar ramai orang jawab salam dengan ucapan yang tidak tepat.

Jawab salam yang betul ialah ;
“WAALAI KUMUS SALAM”dan bukannya yang selalu saya dengar iaitu ;


Apabila kita ingin berkirim salam pada orang lain, hendaklah kita berkata

“Kirim salam, assalamualaikum pada ASHREE ye” contoh lerr…

Dan bukannya : “Kirim salam kat ASHREE yer”

Dan jangan pula memandai-mandai tambah perkataan seperti ” Ko tolong kirim salam maut kat dia yer“.
Statement ini walaupun dalam nada bergurau, tapi ia adalah menyalahi syariat dan berdosa, walaupun sekadar gurauan!

Selain itu, janganlah kita menggantikan perkataan “Assalamualaikum” dengan“A’kum” dalam sms atau apa sekalipun melalui tulisan.

Jika perkataan “Assalamualaikum” itu panjang, maka hendaklah kita ganti dengan perkataan “As Salam” yang membawa maksud sama dengan “Assalamualaikum”.

Sesama lah kita memberitahu member-member yang selalu sangat guna shortform“A’kum” dalam sms ataupun email. Perkataan ‘AKUM‘ adalah gelaran untuk orang-orang Yahudi untuk orang-orang bukan yahudi yang bermaksud‘BINATANG‘ dalam Bahasa Ibrani.

Ia singkatan daripada perkataan ‘Avde Kokhavim U Mazzalot’ yang bermaksud ‘HAMBA-HAMBA BINATANG DAN ORANG-ORANG SESAT‘.

Jadi, mulai sekarang jika ada orang hantar shortform “A’kum“, kita ingatkan dia guna “As Salam” kerana salam ialah dari perkataan “Assalamualaikum“.

* Jangan guna “Bye” kerana“Bye” adalah jarum sulit Kristian yang bermaksud “Di Bawah Naungan Pope.”

* Jangan guna “A’kum” kerana“A’kum” bermaksud “Binatang” dalam bahasa Yahudi.

* Jangan guna “Semekom” kerana“Semekom”bermaksud “Celaka Kamu.”Gunakan perkataan “ As Salam” sebagai singkatan bagi“Assalammualaikum.”

Tolong tag kepada umat Islam yang lain , untuk elakkan diri daripada membuat dosa..

Sekian, semoga ada manfaatnya
Oleh: Studio.muslim
Dak Madi 19 August 21:17

بِسْــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

SIAPA YANG MENGGUNAKAN PERKATAAN "SALAM"? apakah maksud disebaliknya??

Maka berpalinglah (hai Muhammad) dari mereka dan katakanlah:"Salam (selamat tinggal)".

Kelak mereka akan mengetahui (nasib mereka yangburuk). (QS. 43:89)


Ilmu utk dikongsi bersama. Sekadar peringatan untuk semua rakan-rakan muslim yang lain.

Pagi semalam saya dengar radio ikim (91.50 fm). Ustaz Zawawi ada cerita tentang sunnah Rasulallah s.a.w. Antara yang dibincangkannya ialah tentang bab cara memberi salam.

Menurut ustaz Zawawi Yusof, Baginda SAW memberi salam dengan lafaz“Assalamualaikum” dan menjawab salam dari para sahabat baginda dengan salam yang lengkap iaitu “Waalaikumussalam warahmatulallahhi wabarakatuh”

Ringkasnya, baginda SAW akan ;Beri salam dengan ucapan - “Assalamualaikum”

dan…Jawab salam - “Waalaikumussalam warahmatulallahi wabarakatuh”

Lagi satu, perlu diingatkan juga semasa menjawab salam,

saya dengar ramai orang jawab salam dengan ucapan yang tidak tepat.

Jawab salam yang betul ialah ;
“WAALAI KUMUS SALAM”dan bukannya yang selalu saya dengar iaitu ;


Apabila kita ingin berkirim salam pada orang lain, hendaklah kita berkata

“Kirim salam, assalamualaikum pada ASHREE ye” contoh lerr…

Dan bukannya : “Kirim salam kat ASHREE yer”

Dan jangan pula memandai-mandai tambah perkataan seperti ” Ko tolong kirim salam maut kat dia yer“.
Statement ini walaupun dalam nada bergurau, tapi ia adalah menyalahi syariat dan berdosa, walaupun sekadar gurauan!

Selain itu, janganlah kita menggantikan perkataan “Assalamualaikum” dengan“A’kum” dalam sms atau apa sekalipun melalui tulisan.

Jika perkataan “Assalamualaikum” itu panjang, maka hendaklah kita ganti dengan perkataan “As Salam” yang membawa maksud sama dengan “Assalamualaikum”.

Sesama lah kita memberitahu member-member yang selalu sangat guna shortform“A’kum” dalam sms ataupun email. Perkataan ‘AKUM‘ adalah gelaran untuk orang-orang Yahudi untuk orang-orang bukan yahudi yang bermaksud‘BINATANG‘ dalam Bahasa Ibrani.

Ia singkatan daripada perkataan ‘Avde Kokhavim U Mazzalot’ yang bermaksud ‘HAMBA-HAMBA BINATANG DAN ORANG-ORANG SESAT‘.

Jadi, mulai sekarang jika ada orang hantar shortform “A’kum“, kita ingatkan dia guna “As Salam” kerana salam ialah dari perkataan “Assalamualaikum“.

* Jangan guna “Bye” kerana“Bye” adalah jarum sulit Kristian yang bermaksud “Di Bawah Naungan Pope.”

* Jangan guna “A’kum” kerana“A’kum” bermaksud “Binatang” dalam bahasa Yahudi.

* Jangan guna “Semekom” kerana“Semekom”bermaksud “Celaka Kamu.”Gunakan perkataan “ As Salam” sebagai singkatan bagi“Assalammualaikum.”

Tolong tag kepada umat Islam yang lain , untuk elakkan diri daripada membuat dosa..

Sekian, semoga ada manfaatnya
Oleh: Studio.muslim

[KELUARGA 30 MALAYSIA] Isu-isu dibawah ini kita minta supaya Umno/BN...

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Peguam Ahmad Shuaib posted in KELUARGA 30 MALAYSIA
Isu-isu dibawah ini kita minta supaya Umno/BN jawab segera??????

1. PKFZ RM12bill.

2. Submarine RM500mil.

3. Simedarby RM964mil.

4. Paya Indah Westland RM88mil.

5. Posmalaysia (transmile) RM230mil lost.

6. Eurocopter deal RM1bil waste?

7. Terengganu Stadium Collapsed RM292mil.

8. MRR2 repair cost RM70mil.

9. Maybank Overpay for BII RM4bil.

10. Tourism -NYY kickback RM10mil.

11. 3 paintings bought by MAS—————– RM 1.5M.

12. Overpayment by Sport Ministry ————- RM 8.4M.

13. London 's white elephant sports complex —- RM 70M.

14. MRR2 Repairs—————————— RM 70M.

15. MATRADE repairs ————————– RM 120M.

16. Cost of new plane used by PM————– RM 200M.

17. InventQ irrecoverable debt —————- RM 228M.

18. Compensation for killing crooked bridge —– RM 257M.

20. Lost in selling Augusta ——————— RM 510M.

21. Worth of AP given out in a year ———— RM 1.8B.

22. Submarines (future Muzium Negara artifacts)- RM 4.1B.

23. PSC Naval dockyard ———————— RM 6.75B.

24. The Bank Bumiputra twin scandals in the early 1980s saw US$1 billion (RM3.2 billion in 2008 ringgit).

25. The Maminco attempt to corner the world tin market in the 1980s isbelieved to have cost some US$500 million. (RM1.6 billion)

26. Betting in foreign exchange futures cost Bank Negara Malaysia RM30 billion in the 1990s.

27. Perwaja Steel resulted in losses of US$800 million (RM2.56 billion).

28. Use of RM10 billion public funds in the Valuecap Sdn. Bhd. operation to shore up the stock market.

29. Banking scandal of RM700 million losses in Bank Islam.

30. The sale of M.V. Agusta by Proton for one Euro making a loss of €75.99 million (RM 348 million).

31. Wang Ehsan from oil royalty on Terengganu RM7.4 billion from 2004 – 2007.

32. For the past 10 years since Philharmonic Orchestra wasestablished, this orchestra has swallowed a total of RM500 million.Hiring a kwai-lo CEO with salary of more than RM1 M per annum!

33. In Advisors Fees, Mahathir was paid RM180,000, Shahrizat AbdulJalil (women and social development affairs) RM404,726 and Abdul HamidOthman (religious) RM549,675 per annum.

34. The government has spent a total of RM3.2 billion in teachingMaths and Science in English over the past five years. Out of theamount, the government paid a whopping RM2.21 billion for the purchaseof information and computer technology (ICT) equipments which it isunable to give a breakdown. Govt paid more than RM6k per notebook vsper market price of less than RM3k through some new consortiums thatsetup just to transact the notebook deal. There was no math &science content for the teachers and the notebooks are all with theteachers' children now.

35. The commission paid for purchase of jets and submarines to twoprivate companies Perimeker Sdn Bhd and IMT Defence Sdn Bhd amounted toRM910 million.

36. RM300 million to compensate Gerbang Perdana for the RM1.1 billion "Crooked Scenic Half-Bridge".

37. RM1.3 billion have been wasted building the white elephantCustoms, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) facilities on cancellation ofthe Malaysia-Singapore scenic bridge.

38. RM 100 million on renovation of Parliament building and leaks.

39. National Astronaut Programme – RM 40 million.

40. National Service Training Programme – yearly an estimate of RM 500 million.

41. Eye on Malaysia – RM 30 million and another RM5.7 million of free ticket.

42. RM 2.4 million on indelible ink.

43. Samy announced in September 2006 that the government paidcompensation amounting to RM 38.5 billion to 20 highway companies. RM380 million windfalls for 9 toll concessionaires earned solely from thetoll hike in 2008 alone.

44. RM32 million timber export kickbacks involving companies connected to Sarawak Chief Minister and his family.

45. Two bailouts of Malaysia Airline System RM7.9 billion. At atime when MAS incurring losses every year, RM1.55 million used to buythree paintings to decorate its chairman's (Munir) office.

46. Putra transport system bailout which cost RM4.486 billion.

47. STAR-LRT bailout costing RM3.256 billion.

48. National Sewerage System bailout costing RM192.54 million.

49. Seremban-Port Dickson Highway bailout costing RM142 million.

50. Kuching Prison bailout costing RM135 million.

51. Kajian Makanan dan Gunaan Orang Islam bailout costing RM8.3 million.

52. Le Tour de Langkawi bailout costing RM 3.5 Million.

53. Wholesale distribution of tens of millions of shares in BursaMalaysia under guise of NEP to cronies, children and relatives of BNleaders and Ministers worth billions of ringgits.

54. Alienation of tens of thousands of hectares of commercial landsand forestry concessions to children and relatives of BN leaders andMinisters worth tens of billions of ringgits.

55. Since 1997, Petronas has handed out a staggering 30 billionringgit in natural gas subsidies to IPPs who were making huge profits.In addition, there were much wastages and forward trading of Petronasoil in the 1990s based on the low price of oil then. Since the accountsof Petronas are for the eyes of Prime Minister only, we have absolutelyno idea of the amount.

56. RM5700 for a car jack worth RM50.

57. Government-owned vehicle consumed a tank of petrol worth RM113 within a few minutes.

58. A pole platform that cost RM990 was bought for RM30,000.

59. A thumbdrive that cost RM90 was bought for RM480.

60. A cabinet that cost RM1,500 was bought for RM13,500.

61. A flashlight that cost RM35 was bought for RM143.

62. Expenses for 1 Malaysia campaign paid to APCO?

63. RM17 billion subsidy to IPP.
Peguam Ahmad Shuaib 20 August 01:27
Isu-isu dibawah ini kita minta supaya Umno/BN jawab segera??????

1. PKFZ RM12bill.

2. Submarine RM500mil.

3. Simedarby RM964mil.

4. Paya Indah Westland RM88mil.

5. Posmalaysia (transmile) RM230mil lost.

6. Eurocopter deal RM1bil waste?

7. Terengganu Stadium Collapsed RM292mil.

8. MRR2 repair cost RM70mil.

9. Maybank Overpay for BII RM4bil.

10. Tourism -NYY kickback RM10mil.

11. 3 paintings bought by MAS—————– RM 1.5M.

12. Overpayment by Sport Ministry ————- RM 8.4M.

13. London 's white elephant sports complex —- RM 70M.

14. MRR2 Repairs—————————— RM 70M.

15. MATRADE repairs ————————– RM 120M.

16. Cost of new plane used by PM————– RM 200M.

17. InventQ irrecoverable debt —————- RM 228M.

18. Compensation for killing crooked bridge —– RM 257M.

20. Lost in selling Augusta ——————— RM 510M.

21. Worth of AP given out in a year ———— RM 1.8B.

22. Submarines (future Muzium Negara artifacts)- RM 4.1B.

23. PSC Naval dockyard ———————— RM 6.75B.

24. The Bank Bumiputra twin scandals in the early 1980s saw US$1 billion (RM3.2 billion in 2008 ringgit).

25. The Maminco attempt to corner the world tin market in the 1980s isbelieved to have cost some US$500 million. (RM1.6 billion)

26. Betting in foreign exchange futures cost Bank Negara Malaysia RM30 billion in the 1990s.

27. Perwaja Steel resulted in losses of US$800 million (RM2.56 billion).

28. Use of RM10 billion public funds in the Valuecap Sdn. Bhd. operation to shore up the stock market.

29. Banking scandal of RM700 million losses in Bank Islam.

30. The sale of M.V. Agusta by Proton for one Euro making a loss of €75.99 million (RM 348 million).

31. Wang Ehsan from oil royalty on Terengganu RM7.4 billion from 2004 – 2007.

32. For the past 10 years since Philharmonic Orchestra wasestablished, this orchestra has swallowed a total of RM500 million.Hiring a kwai-lo CEO with salary of more than RM1 M per annum!

33. In Advisors Fees, Mahathir was paid RM180,000, Shahrizat AbdulJalil (women and social development affairs) RM404,726 and Abdul HamidOthman (religious) RM549,675 per annum.

34. The government has spent a total of RM3.2 billion in teachingMaths and Science in English over the past five years. Out of theamount, the government paid a whopping RM2.21 billion for the purchaseof information and computer technology (ICT) equipments which it isunable to give a breakdown. Govt paid more than RM6k per notebook vsper market price of less than RM3k through some new consortiums thatsetup just to transact the notebook deal. There was no math &science content for the teachers and the notebooks are all with theteachers' children now.

35. The commission paid for purchase of jets and submarines to twoprivate companies Perimeker Sdn Bhd and IMT Defence Sdn Bhd amounted toRM910 million.

36. RM300 million to compensate Gerbang Perdana for the RM1.1 billion "Crooked Scenic Half-Bridge".

37. RM1.3 billion have been wasted building the white elephantCustoms, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) facilities on cancellation ofthe Malaysia-Singapore scenic bridge.

38. RM 100 million on renovation of Parliament building and leaks.

39. National Astronaut Programme – RM 40 million.

40. National Service Training Programme – yearly an estimate of RM 500 million.

41. Eye on Malaysia – RM 30 million and another RM5.7 million of free ticket.

42. RM 2.4 million on indelible ink.

43. Samy announced in September 2006 that the government paidcompensation amounting to RM 38.5 billion to 20 highway companies. RM380 million windfalls for 9 toll concessionaires earned solely from thetoll hike in 2008 alone.

44. RM32 million timber export kickbacks involving companies connected to Sarawak Chief Minister and his family.

45. Two bailouts of Malaysia Airline System RM7.9 billion. At atime when MAS incurring losses every year, RM1.55 million used to buythree paintings to decorate its chairman's (Munir) office.

46. Putra transport system bailout which cost RM4.486 billion.

47. STAR-LRT bailout costing RM3.256 billion.

48. National Sewerage System bailout costing RM192.54 million.

49. Seremban-Port Dickson Highway bailout costing RM142 million.

50. Kuching Prison bailout costing RM135 million.

51. Kajian Makanan dan Gunaan Orang Islam bailout costing RM8.3 million.

52. Le Tour de Langkawi bailout costing RM 3.5 Million.

53. Wholesale distribution of tens of millions of shares in BursaMalaysia under guise of NEP to cronies, children and relatives of BNleaders and Ministers worth billions of ringgits.

54. Alienation of tens of thousands of hectares of commercial landsand forestry concessions to children and relatives of BN leaders andMinisters worth tens of billions of ringgits.

55. Since 1997, Petronas has handed out a staggering 30 billionringgit in natural gas subsidies to IPPs who were making huge profits.In addition, there were much wastages and forward trading of Petronasoil in the 1990s based on the low price of oil then. Since the accountsof Petronas are for the eyes of Prime Minister only, we have absolutelyno idea of the amount.

56. RM5700 for a car jack worth RM50.

57. Government-owned vehicle consumed a tank of petrol worth RM113 within a few minutes.

58. A pole platform that cost RM990 was bought for RM30,000.

59. A thumbdrive that cost RM90 was bought for RM480.

60. A cabinet that cost RM1,500 was bought for RM13,500.

61. A flashlight that cost RM35 was bought for RM143.

62. Expenses for 1 Malaysia campaign paid to APCO?

63. RM17 billion subsidy to IPP.

Message body

1. Jarak diantara Nabi Adam dan kita cuma diantara 10000-20000 tahun dan fossil manusia perempuan tertua dijumpai berusia 4.4 juta di Ethiopia.
2. Manusia dahulu hidup bercawat, tidak tahu memasak, bertani dan tinggal didalam gua (tidak bertamaddun).
3. Manusia dahulu tidak mempunyai bahasa dan berpakaian tidak sempurna.
...4. Manusia berevolusi melalui pelbagai zamanà ais/batu

Fakta Al-Quran-1

Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada malaikat: “Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di bumi”. Mereka bertanya (tentang hikmat ketetapan Tuhan itu dengan berkata): “Adakah Engkau (Ya Tuhan kami) hendak menjadikan di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat bencana dan menumpahkan darah (berbunuh-bunuhan), padahal kami sentiasa bertasbih dengan memujiMu dan mensucikanMu?” Tuhan berfirman: “Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui akan apa yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya”. Dan Ia telah mengajarkan Nabi Adam, akan segala nama benda-benda dan gunanya, kemudian ditunjukkannya kepada malaikat lalu Ia berfirman: “Terangkanlah kepadaKu nama benda-benda ini semuanya, jika kamu golongan yang benar”. Malaikat itu menjawab: “Maha Suci Engkau (Ya Allah)! Kami tidak mempunyai pengetahuan selain dari apa yang Engkau ajarkan kepada kami sesungguhnya Engkau jualah Yang Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana”.

Allah berfirman: “Wahai Adam! Terangkanlah nama benda-benda ini semua kepada mereka”. Maka setelah Nabi Adam menerangkan nama benda-benda itu kepada mereka, Allah berfirman: “Bukankah Aku telah katakan kepada kamu, bahawasanya Aku mengetahui segala rahsia langit dan bumi, dan Aku mengetahui apa yang kamu nyatakan dan apa yang kamu sembunyikan?”. Dan (ingatlah) ketika Kami berfirman kepada malaikat: “Tunduklah (beri hormat) kepada Nabi Adam”. Lalu mereka sekaliannya tunduk memberi hormat melainkan Iblis; ia enggan dan takbur, dan menjadilah ia dari golongan yang kafir.

(Al-Baqarah- Ayat 30-34)


Fakta Al-Quran-Kisah Habil dan Qabil.

Siti Hawa melahirkan kembar dua pasang. Pertama lahirlah pasangan Qabil dan adik perempuannya yang diberi nama “Iqlima”, kemudian menyusul pasangan kembar kedua Habil dan adik perempuannya yang diberi nama “Lubuda”. Kerana Qabil tetap berkeras kepala tidak mahu menerima keputusan ayahnya dan meminta supaya dikahwinkan dengan adik kembarnya sendiri Iqlima maka Nabi Adam seraya menghindari penggunaan kekerasan atau paksaan yang dapat menimbulkan perpecahan di antara saudara serta mengganggu suasana damai yang meliputi keluarga beliau secara bijaksana mengusulkan agar menyerahkan masalah perjodohan itu kepada Tuhan untuk menentukannya. Caranya ialah bahawa masing- masing dari Qabil dan Habil harus menyerahkan korban kepada Tuhan dengan catatan bahawa barang siapa di antara kedua saudara itu diterima korbannya ialah yang berhak menentukan pilihan jodohnya.

Qabil dan Habil menerima baik jalan penyelesaian yang ditawarkan oleh ayahnya. Habil keluar dan kembali membawa peliharaannya sedangkan Qabil datang dengan sekarung gandum yang dipilih dari hasil cucuk tanamnya yang rosak dan busuk kemudian diletakkan kedua korban itu kambing Habil dan gandum Qabil di atas sebuah bukit lalu pergilah keduanya menyaksikan dari jauh apa yang akan terjadi atas dua jenis korban itu.


Fakta Hadith Hadis al-Bukhari yang berbunyi : Abu Dzar telah meriwayatkan: saya telah bertanya kepada Rasulullah SAW: “Apakah masjid yang pertama dibina di atas muka bumi ini?, Rasulullah SAW menjawab: “Masjid al-Haram”, saya bertanya lagi: “kemudiannya…?”, balas Rasulullah SAW: “Masjid al-Aqsa”. Saya bertanya lagi: “Berapakah jarak di antara keduanya (tempoh dibina kedua-duanya), balas Rasulullah SAW: “empat puluh tahun, di mana sahaja
kamu dapat bersolat pada keduanya, maka bersolatlah (di sana), di sana ada kelebihan (untuk mereka yang bersolat di kedua-dua masjid tersebut)”.Nabi Adam a.s adalah manusia pertama membina Masjidil Haram dan Masjidil Aqsa didalam selang waktu 40tahun.


Fakta Sejarah Islam Nabi Idris dianugerahi kepandaian dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu, kemahiran, serta kemampuan untuk mencipta alat-alat yang dapat mempermudahkan pekerjaan manusia, seperti pengenalan tulisan, matematik, ilmu astronomi.


Sekarang terserah kepada anda sendiri. Fakta mana mahu dijadikan pegangan aqidah/iman. Jika kamu jadikan Saintis Barat kiblat kamu kerana kemampuan mereka menonjolkan teknologi untuk meyakinkan kamu terserahlah. Tapi bagiku, mukjizat AlQuran itu lebih hebat drpd segalanya. Hati hati dengan program National Geography yang terkadang menyesatkan.
Muhammad Zulfaqar Nasir 19 August 13:22
1. Jarak diantara Nabi Adam dan kita cuma diantara 10000-20000 tahun dan fossil manusia perempuan tertua dijumpai berusia 4.4 juta di Ethiopia.
2. Manusia dahulu hidup bercawat, tidak tahu memasak, bertani dan tinggal didalam gua (tidak bertamaddun).
3. Manusia dahulu tidak mempunyai bahasa dan berpakaian tidak sempurna.
...4. Manusia berevolusi melalui pelbagai zamanà ais/batu

Fakta Al-Quran-1

Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada malaikat: “Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di bumi”. Mereka bertanya (tentang hikmat ketetapan Tuhan itu dengan berkata): “Adakah Engkau (Ya Tuhan kami) hendak menjadikan di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat bencana dan menumpahkan darah (berbunuh-bunuhan), padahal kami sentiasa bertasbih dengan memujiMu dan mensucikanMu?” Tuhan berfirman: “Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui akan apa yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya”. Dan Ia telah mengajarkan Nabi Adam, akan segala nama benda-benda dan gunanya, kemudian ditunjukkannya kepada malaikat lalu Ia berfirman: “Terangkanlah kepadaKu nama benda-benda ini semuanya, jika kamu golongan yang benar”. Malaikat itu menjawab: “Maha Suci Engkau (Ya Allah)! Kami tidak mempunyai pengetahuan selain dari apa yang Engkau ajarkan kepada kami sesungguhnya Engkau jualah Yang Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana”.

Allah berfirman: “Wahai Adam! Terangkanlah nama benda-benda ini semua kepada mereka”. Maka setelah Nabi Adam menerangkan nama benda-benda itu kepada mereka, Allah berfirman: “Bukankah Aku telah katakan kepada kamu, bahawasanya Aku mengetahui segala rahsia langit dan bumi, dan Aku mengetahui apa yang kamu nyatakan dan apa yang kamu sembunyikan?”. Dan (ingatlah) ketika Kami berfirman kepada malaikat: “Tunduklah (beri hormat) kepada Nabi Adam”. Lalu mereka sekaliannya tunduk memberi hormat melainkan Iblis; ia enggan dan takbur, dan menjadilah ia dari golongan yang kafir.

(Al-Baqarah- Ayat 30-34)


Fakta Al-Quran-Kisah Habil dan Qabil.

Siti Hawa melahirkan kembar dua pasang. Pertama lahirlah pasangan Qabil dan adik perempuannya yang diberi nama “Iqlima”, kemudian menyusul pasangan kembar kedua Habil dan adik perempuannya yang diberi nama “Lubuda”. Kerana Qabil tetap berkeras kepala tidak mahu menerima keputusan ayahnya dan meminta supaya dikahwinkan dengan adik kembarnya sendiri Iqlima maka Nabi Adam seraya menghindari penggunaan kekerasan atau paksaan yang dapat menimbulkan perpecahan di antara saudara serta mengganggu suasana damai yang meliputi keluarga beliau secara bijaksana mengusulkan agar menyerahkan masalah perjodohan itu kepada Tuhan untuk menentukannya. Caranya ialah bahawa masing- masing dari Qabil dan Habil harus menyerahkan korban kepada Tuhan dengan catatan bahawa barang siapa di antara kedua saudara itu diterima korbannya ialah yang berhak menentukan pilihan jodohnya.

Qabil dan Habil menerima baik jalan penyelesaian yang ditawarkan oleh ayahnya. Habil keluar dan kembali membawa peliharaannya sedangkan Qabil datang dengan sekarung gandum yang dipilih dari hasil cucuk tanamnya yang rosak dan busuk kemudian diletakkan kedua korban itu kambing Habil dan gandum Qabil di atas sebuah bukit lalu pergilah keduanya menyaksikan dari jauh apa yang akan terjadi atas dua jenis korban itu.


Fakta Hadith Hadis al-Bukhari yang berbunyi : Abu Dzar telah meriwayatkan: saya telah bertanya kepada Rasulullah SAW: “Apakah masjid yang pertama dibina di atas muka bumi ini?, Rasulullah SAW menjawab: “Masjid al-Haram”, saya bertanya lagi: “kemudiannya…?”, balas Rasulullah SAW: “Masjid al-Aqsa”. Saya bertanya lagi: “Berapakah jarak di antara keduanya (tempoh dibina kedua-duanya), balas Rasulullah SAW: “empat puluh tahun, di mana sahaja
kamu dapat bersolat pada keduanya, maka bersolatlah (di sana), di sana ada kelebihan (untuk mereka yang bersolat di kedua-dua masjid tersebut)”.Nabi Adam a.s adalah manusia pertama membina Masjidil Haram dan Masjidil Aqsa didalam selang waktu 40tahun.


Fakta Sejarah Islam Nabi Idris dianugerahi kepandaian dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu, kemahiran, serta kemampuan untuk mencipta alat-alat yang dapat mempermudahkan pekerjaan manusia, seperti pengenalan tulisan, matematik, ilmu astronomi.


Sekarang terserah kepada anda sendiri. Fakta mana mahu dijadikan pegangan aqidah/iman. Jika kamu jadikan Saintis Barat kiblat kamu kerana kemampuan mereka menonjolkan teknologi untuk meyakinkan kamu terserahlah. Tapi bagiku, mukjizat AlQuran itu lebih hebat drpd segalanya. Hati hati dengan program National Geography yang terkadang menyesatkan.
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Monday, August 15, 2011

the Chinese New Year,appearance in Economic future

China’s economy has actually grown by 45 per cent since 2007, while the GDP of the United States has grown by less than one per cent since then. The latest International Monetary Fund predictions show that China’s economy will actually overtake the US economy by 2016. And that will be the first time in more than a century that the US economy is not the biggest in the world. A lot of people say that China’s economy focuses on exports, but they really have managed to diversify their economy. China is obviously seen as the manufacturing hub of the world, which has been able to create millions jobs for its low-skilled workers. But they have also been focusing a lot on technology, which has created millions of jobs for high-skilled workers as well. The Chinese have been focused on retaining jobs domestically, and making sure that foreign investors are not able to compete with certain domestic industries, which is something that most countries cannot figure out. It is also important to know that China’s economy is still very much state led. And with the government controlling most of the financial sector, China’s banks have been relatively well shielded during the financial crisis. In the long run, Asian countries are better equipped to deal with the financial crisis. Many investors who follow the path of risk aversion and are therefore moving away from US treasury bonds have started investing more in Asian markets like India and China, RT’s Priya Sridhar says. Many people in Asia see the situation as an opportunity for a shift in the financial arena and for more of the international community to get onboard and move away from a dollar as a reserve currency.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

aduan rakyat ...walaupun mnghadapi kmalangan kecil tetap jalan tugas..aduhh sakitnye..

Rujukan Kami     : PPKPBHSKL/Aduan/JKA01-11/DBKL/01/001
Tarikh                    : 11hb Ogos 2011                                                                                                KADAR SEGERA

Jabatan kerja awam
Tingkat 17, Menara DBKL,
Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 K.Lumpur.                                                


Dengan segala hormatnya, saya menarik perhatian Tuan perkara diatas adalah dirujuk.

2.        Dengan sukacitanya , saya memohon jasa baik Tuan, untuk menyiasat kejadian arus Sg Kemunsing tidak lancar dan melimpah melalui longkang ke Rumah penduduk yang saya sebutkan di atas.
3.             Di atas pemantauan awal saya dapati, ia berpunca pihak Pemaju Kondo di Lot 29116 sedang membina sebuah Jambatan di hadapan Kondo beliau, telah menghalang laluan air sungai tersebut.
4.             Untuk maklumat Tuan 2 hari yang lepas Hujan sangat lebat, dan tiba-tiba air longkang telah melimpah ke dalam rumah penduduk, sehingga kini saya mendapati kesan air masih ada walaupun telah 2 hari berlalu.
5.             Saya mohon pihak Tuan , menyiasat dan halang pembinaan tersebut sehingga keseluruhan air yang melimpah kering.
6.             Kerjasama dan perhatian Tuan sangatlah saya hargai, bersama surat ini saya sertakan gambar-gambar sebelum kejadian dan selepas kejadian, dan diucapkan ribuan terima kasih.


Yang Berkhidmat


( Mohd Amir Fisal b Mohamad Zin )     
Yang di Pertua
Persatuan Penduduk Kampung           




Wednesday, August 10, 2011


politician hav no period of time ...


Mismah, we already know you where

8/10/2011 7:58:11 AM
The day before the fast on 1 August, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak urged all parties respect the sanctity of Ramadan by setting aside politics.
UMNO, the ruling party president, will focus on worship in the form of programs and contributions to their needs during the holy month, despite opposition "in his head all the politics."
Not until several hours after Najib's advice, the country was shocked by the appearance Mismah, mysterious woman, who was charged for citizenship within four hours. The opposition did not miss the opportunity - fast or not - to dispute 1.597 registration of voters in the draft supplement to the electoral roll of registered voters, the Mismah included therein, until the end of June, which is listed on the website of the National Registration Department (NRD) as a permanent resident.
According to the Election Commission (EC) is a 'technical negligence, while explaining JPN JPN records show Mismah actually have permanent resident status on July 17, 1982.
According to AGC, Mismah status as citizens was passed on January 31, 2011 after 29 years as permanent resident.
Now I know Mismah where and are trying to disassemble the existing tangling. The problem in this country, whatever the issues raised are not easily denied. In this country and perhaps anywhere, rumors held true, until proven otherwise.
Whether the NRD and the EC explanation can be accepted or not, depending on the angle where you want to see, but for sure the name Mismah - including a few more; to date, the electors named 'New Village' - will be paraded around and to campaign Options Raya 13th General (GE-13), the last date is March 7, 2013, but is believed to be held as early as November or as late as next March.
Perhaps relieved with the results of Discourse 'What after July 9? " organized by the Daily Herald recently, EC Deputy Chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar has not had debated the neck with the chairperson of the Free and Fair Elections (Bersih 2.0) Datuk S Ambiga in the media on eight claims, including the use of biometrics and indelible ink, but many amused by stories of voters in Pulau Ketam, Selangor, who made history after using henna on the fingers of their chosen community leaders last month.
"It has been successful. No need to waste money using biometrics, "said a leader there. That's an issue, others more.
Member of Parliament Datuk Seri Zahrain Georgetown to Datuk Mohamed Hashim Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, almost lost his temper with a challenge to pass the General Mursyidul do not hide the truth he held secret meetings in relation to the proposed appointment of the Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah as the Leader of the Opposition, the in place of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
"Wine Article," comments Nik Aziz, who insists he has never hidden the secret things and remind the media use the correct copy of Ramadan.
"Remember, what is written and pronounced will be the materials to be reviewed by Allah in the hereafter," he said through Facebook.
Read for the issues and political debate makes me wonder what 2.0 Net claims need to be allowed to campaign held to 21 days.
You do not need to be a political analyst to realize that in Pakistan election campaign running all the time.
It starts as soon as the GE-12 expired on March 8, 2008; every day, through brochures, media, speeches, websites and anything that can be used as campaign tools. And say sorry, every time a representative of the people died before the completion of the funeral, his successor who has been spinning debate.
Should be considered fair election.
Finally, I must give credit to the Daily Herald, Daily young appeared only six years ago under Media Karangkraf, because it has successfully held five discourse, one each month. This program, including the last, titled "What Next July 9?" also managed to inject new hope for development of the mind of the people and the country's future.
Here is the place that felt most comfortable to date by all parties to sit down and discuss any issues and achieve what is love without doubt; not what if there was some bustle and sarcastically quipped. It is still a healthy and encouraging.
Importantly, no ray of hope for the people of our beloved country.
I wish this discourse can be organized over the years. Of course many of our goals have been achieved.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

politician hav no period of time...


Mismah, kita dah tahu anda di mana

8/10/2011 7:58:11 AM
Sehari sebelum puasa pada 1 Ogos lalu, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, meminta semua pihak hormati kesucian Ramadan dengan mengetepikan politik.
UMNO, kata Presiden parti pemerintah itu, akan tumpu kepada program berbentuk ibadah dan sumbangan kepada mereka memerlukan sepanjang bulan mulia ini, meskipun pembangkang “dalam kepalanya semua politik”.
Tidak sampai beberapa jam selepas nasihat Najib itu, negara dikejutkan dengan kemunculan Mismah, wanita mistri, yang didakwa mendapat taraf warganegara dalam tempoh empat jam. Pembangkang tidak melepaskan peluang - puasa atau tidak - untuk mempertikaikan pendaftaran 1,597 pengundi dalam draf daftar pemilih tambahan bagi pemilih berdaftar, yang Mismah termasuk di dalamnya, sehingga akhir bulan Jun, yang disenaraikan di laman sesawang Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) sebagai penduduk tetap.
Menurut Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) itu adalah ‘kecuaian teknikal’, manakala JPN menjelaskan rekod JPN menunjukkan Mismah sebenarnya telah dapat taraf penduduk tetap pada 17 Julai 1982.
Menurut JPN, taraf Mismah sebagai warganegara Malaysia telah diluluskan pada 31 Januari 2011 selepas 29 tahun memegang taraf penduduk tetap.
Kini saya sudah tahu Mismah di mana dan sedang cuba merungkai kekusutan yang ada. Masalahnya di negara ini, apa sahaja isu yang timbul tidak mudah dinafikan. Di negara ini dan barangkali di mana sahaja, khabar angin dianggap benar, sehingga terbukti sebaliknya.
Sama ada penjelasan JPN dan SPR boleh diterima atau tidak, bergantung kepada dari sudut mana yang anda hendak lihat, tetapi yang pasti nama Mismah - termasuk beberapa lagi; yang terkini, pemilih bernama ‘Kampung Baru’ - akan terus diarak merata-rata hingga kempen Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU-13), yang tarikh terakhirnya adalah 7 Mac, 2013, tetapi dipercayai akan diadakan seawal November atau selewat-lewatnya Mac depan.
Barangkali lega dengan hasil Wacana ‘Apa selepas Julai 9?’ anjuran Sinar Harian baru-baru ini, Timbalan Pengerusi SPR Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar sudah kurang bertegang leher dengan Pengerusi Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih 2.0) Datuk S Ambiga melalui media mengenai lapan tuntutan, termasuk penggunaan biometrik dan dakwat kekal, tetapi ramai geli hati dengan cerita pengundi di Pulau Ketam, Selangor, yang menempa sejarah mengguna inai di jari selepas memilih ketua masyarakat mereka bulan lalu.
“Ia berjaya. Tidak perlu bazirkan wang guna biometrik,” kata seorang pemimpin di situ. Itu satu isu; yang lain banyak lagi.
Ahli Parlimen Bayan Baru Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim membuat Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat hampir hilang sabar dengan cabarannya supaya Mursyidul Am Pas itu jangan sembunyikan kebenaran beliau mengadakan pertemuan sulit berhubung dengan cadangan pelantikan Ahli Parlimen Gua Musang, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah sebagai Ketua Pembangkang, bagi menggantikan tempat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
“Lawak jenaka,” komen Nik Aziz, yang menegaskan beliau tidak pernah sembunyi rahsia apa pun dan mengingatkan media guna Ramadan tulis yang benar.
“Ingatlah, apa yang ditulis dan diucap akan menjadi bahan untuk dihisab oleh Allah di akhirat,” katanya melalui Facebook.
Membaca isu demi isu dan perdebatan politik membuatkan saya terfikir apa perlunya tuntutan Bersih 2.0 untuk dibenarkan kempen pilihan raya diadakan hingga 21 hari.
Anda tidak perlu menjadi penganalisis politik untuk menyedari di Malaysia kempen pilihan raya berjalan sepanjang masa.
Ia bermula sebaik sahaja PRU-12 tamat pada 8 Mac 2008; tiap-tiap hari, melalui risalah, media, ceramah, laman sesawang dan apa sahaja yang boleh dijadikan alat berkempen. Dan maaf cakap, setiap kali ada wakil rakyat meninggal dunia, sebelum selesai urusan pengebumian, siapa penggantinya sudah ligat dibahaskan.
Patutlah pilihan raya dianggap pesta.
Akhir kata, saya perlu beri kepujian kepada Sinar Harian, akhbar muda yang muncul hanya enam tahun lalu di bawah Kumpulan Media Karangkraf, kerana telah berjaya mengadakan lima wacana, satu setiap bulan. Program ini, termasuk yang terakhir bertajuk ‘Apa Selepas Julai 9?’ turut berjaya menyuntik harapan baru kepada perkembangan minda rakyat dan masa depan negara.
Di sinilah tempat yang dirasai paling selesa setakat ini oleh banyak pihak untuk duduk dan berbincang apa sahaja isu dan mencapai apa yang dihajati tanpa ragu-ragu; tidak apa kalau terdapat sedikit keriuhan dan sindir menyindir. Ia tetap sihat dan menggalakkan.
Yang penting, ada sinar harapan untuk rakyat di negara yang kita cintai ini.
Alangkah baiknya jika wacana seperti ini dapat dianjurkan sejak dahulu lagi. Tentu banyak daripada matlamat kita sudah tercapai.